Today I'm going out... ON ME OWN... to do a few jobs.
Like send photos of Keera to my Mum in Aussy.
Like send 'prizes' to my competition winners.
Like enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet... not something I get much of at home!

AND it's not Miss Muppet who's making all the noise!

There's two gas bagging tarts in me house ... namely Lacy and Bex.

BEX... who went back to Hamilton for work two nights ago... just could not stay away... and just  had to come up last night to see Lacy's baby.

 ABOVE: Bex meeting her niece Miss Muppet.

ABOVE:  Coco making sure she's holding baby the right way...

ABOVE:  passing the parcel...

ABOVE:  Steve being... well... Steve!  He's such a dick.

ABOVE:  not long until he will be holding his very own baby!!!  In the meantime, he can fine tune his baby care skills.... Miss Muppet won't mind!

All babies need is food, warmth and LOVE... lashings of love.  And in this house all babies get that in SPADES.

FIRST BATH:  this was rather sweet... last night we decided to give Keera her first bath.

ABOVE:  Lacy undressing the baby... she was SUPPOSED to do the bathing... but she wasn't confident at all... so I did it while telling her how to go about it...

ABOVE:  Keera's first bath.  She screamed holy blue murder!  And Lacy?  Well she cried cos Keera was crying!!!  It was soooo funny.

ABOVE: Miss Muppet all clean ... I can see the yellowing from jaundice... hopefully it clears up on it's own.

ABOVE:  isn't she just adorable?
I wonder how long it takes for you poor buggers to get sick of seeing baby photos?  Hmmmm....


Steve and Bex went shopping last night and came back with gifts for Lacy:

ABOVE:  a Baby Play Gym thingee for Keera to lie under, a name plate for her room and ...

ABOVE: this gorgeous MOM necklace!  Lacy cried... AGAIN. lol

ABOVE: Bex feeding Keera her bottle... Lacy 'hovering'... she's MEGA PROTECTIVE of her baby.

This morning bright and early we got a parcel delivered :

ABOVE: inside the parcel... some utterly gorgeous baby clothes from a blogger friend in Wellington (Karen B) ... THANK YOU so much Karen.... Lacy is wrapt!!!  There's three really lovely warm baby matinee jackets which is awesome as we didn't have many really warm cardigans for Miss Muppet.

ABOVE:  Debs the midwife came at lunchtime and checked out Baby and Lacy... all good.  Miss Muppet had her PKU test too... she didn't think much of that! 

ABOVE:  having the PKU test.
This afternoon we are to strip baby and lie her in the sun ... 10 minutes per side... that will help clear up her jaundice.  She's not too jaundiced so nothing to worry about right now.  If she continues to go yellow'er... she may need UV light treatment. 

NOW... I'm going out to do those few jobs!

Well the sun buggered off didn't it!  We managed to get her in the sun for 10 minutes, but that was all.

End of Day: a lovely day, got lots done... prizes to Ashlee and Coffee Slut in the post, got lots of baby photos printed so I can post some to me Mum tomorrow.
Stew got home exhausted, his job is dragging him down.... he's grossly overworked.  It's just not right.
nite nite.


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