Today... Bex is leaving for Hamilton again... and Amanda is arriving from Hamilton.
It's called ships that pass in the night... only it's daytime.

It will be nice to see Emily here again... last time I saw her she was not that keen on me... we haven't seen much of her lately, so hopefully that's the reason for her reticence?

Oh well... I'm going to find out soon enough.

I plan on doing the hand stitching on the little baby quilt that I almost finished yesterday.
AND keep working on the next one too. 
It is definitely going to be a BOY one this time.

ABOVE:  ummm.... this is the quilt top I sewed up last night (a BOY ONE) ... I got to bed at about 11.50pm ... cos I so wanted to get it done!

Other plans for today:  doing some housework.... cos it never goes away.

OH AND I want to re-arrange the terrarium again too.  

AND... Miss Muppet's due day is only 4 days away now!  Lacy has been taking some brisk walks to try and get things moving... ain't worked yet.  lol


so far, the day has gone as planned.
Bex took Lacy for a decadent breakfast at the Mall... then she dropped Lacy off here and went home to Hamilton.
Amanda and Emily arrived, and we have been having a nice visit.  Emily does not want to go to sleep though... little ratbag.

I'm worried about Bex.  She had a migraine headache last night and threw up.  Now she's got it again... so she's off to see the Midwife shortly to have her blood pressure checked and baby checked.

So the midwife checked Bex over and said all was good... she is to take some panadol and go to bed for a while.  Migraines can be fairly 'normal' during pregnancy apparently.

Emily is finally having a nap, so it's nice and quiet ... and I took Lacy home cos she was tried and GRUMPY!  Like, super grumpy.  She isn't used to the noise B & G make, and it drove her nuts.  *sigh*

 ABOVE:  Terrarium re-arranged.  Frogs happy.

Well ... we all went to Carl's Junior for dinner... where Emily proceeded to drink almost my entire Oreo thickshake!  But that was OK... she is too damn cute to say NO to!
I'm now going to make a start on another baby quilt top.... cos I can't finish off another one until I get more batting... might get that on Friday after I've been to the shrink... (Dr.)

End of day:  it's been a lovely day today, and it was so good to spend some time with Amanda and Emily.
nite nite


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