Today I'm going down to Spotlight to get some more fabric for me heart blocks. 
I've got lots more hearts in me heart box!

And I want to make some 'boyish' quilts with them.

ABOVE:  see... lots of hearts.  These ones are much more vibrant than the pinkish hearts.
I dont' have enough of any 'plain' fabric to put the hearts on, or fabric suitable as sashings... so that's what I'm looking for today.

Teddy and Coco go to the groomers first thing this morning too.  They are looking a little scruffy, so just as well I made an appointment weeks ago.  No more leaving it until they are a right mess.

While we are down at Spotlight I want to check out a heater for the terrarium too... I think me frogs are cold.  

I heard this song by FUN the other day, am in love with it..

You should fast forward to about 1.02 minutes... the first part is not the song...  I hope you enjoy it.... OH and try to look past the 'war' scenes ... and just enjoy the music!


Well... putting the dogs in seperate travelling cases worked a treat!  No tangled up leads, dogs contained.  Awesome.

ABOVE:  Two dogs off to the groomers... and I didn't have a problem until I got there and wanted to get them out and put their leads on to walk them into the shop.

Teddy was scratching frantically at his 'door'... and when he saw me he stated SCREAMING!  There is no other way to describe the noise he was making!!!  He was so loud and so shrill all I wanted to do was fling open is door and kill him on the spot!

Seriously... the noise coming out of his mouth was deafening.  
Suffice to say he's going in the 'naughty corner' when he gets home!

Once I'd dropped the dogs off, I picked up Lacy, collected Bex and the kids from home and we went shopping.

ABOVE:  fabric for baby quilts, a couple of small baking dishes and some more plastic fantastic plants for the terrarium.

OH and we went to the Pet Shop and I asked if they had any Terrarium heaters or something to help keep me frogs warmish... and they said 'NO'... so anyway, as I walked around the shop looking for the pretend plants ... what did I find???

At least 3 different types of TERRARIUM HEATERS.  Doofus's don't even know what's in their shop!
SO I TOLD THEM ... ever so nicely... that they did indeed have heaters for terrariums.
And then I didn't buy one cos fuck they were expensive!
I'm gunna buy a heat bulb for one of our lamps and just use that.  SORTED.

Now we are home... and it's time to make toasted sandwiches for lunch.

ABOVE:  quilted, bound and tonight I can sit and stitch the binding (the green edge fabric) onto the back.  And it will be done and ready for a certain baby in Aussy I think!  *smiles*

End of Day:  well the hand stitching isn't getting done tonight.  Just don't feel like doing it yet.  Maybe tomorrow.
nite nite


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