*SNEAK PEEK* Read an Excerpt From "Sparkle!"

 From Chapter 2: "Uncork Your Best Self"

We all have “energy vampires” in our lives. Those people who always seem to know how to zap the fun right out of us. The ones who call our phones relentlessly, until we pick up, and only talk about themselves. Unless you’re a cold-hearted snake, you probably let these people steamroll you from time to time with their mindless drama. I am guilty as charged, but I’ve put an end to it. I’ve given myself a “get out of jail free” card and realized that I cannot – and should not – try to save the world. It’s draining, and it takes away from time that you could be focusing on yourself (a much more exciting project).
And then there are the criticizers. The people in your life, be it friends, or family, even lovers, who love to pass judgment on everything you do. The ones whose phone calls you can’t ignore, and when you pick up, they are ready to jump down your throat about anything and everything. Maybe it’s the shade of lipstick you’re wearing, or the new haircut you just got, or the career choice you’ve made – whatever it is, these people have a way to rain all over your parade. And they can have a serious effect on our confidence.

So how do we ignore the negativity and let that bubbly lady out to play, regardless of the naysayers? It might seem like one of life’s most impossible tasks when you’re “in it.” When you’re in that toxic relationship – whether it be with a man, or a family member, or even a friend – who constantly tries to bring you down, it’s hard to see past the ridicule. Well, I’ll state the obvious here: the first step is to get the fuck away. Honestly, run. Easier said than done, believe me, but it’s a must. The longer you keep those people in your world, the longer you will remain controlled by their wrath. A good rule of thumb is: if someone is around who brings you down, it’s time to take out the trash. And if you can’t eliminate them completely, then seriously reevaluate how much time you give them. Life is way too short for drama and negativity.

...more to come! Stay tuned for the release of "Sparkle" on October 9th!


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