So... today will go something like this:

Go to school and pay for Griffin's school camp.
Go to Post office and pay for Dog Registration.
Post parcel to Australia and Card to USA.

Go to hairdressers and get colour done again... and DECIDE if I want to keep my fringe or grow it out?

I just can't make up my mind about my hair.

While I'm at the hairdressers Bex is going to visit with Lacy again...then later on this afternoon she is going back to Hamilton for work tomorrow.

So that's about it for now...except I will show you the card I made for a dear friend in the USA:

 ABOVE:  the front.... it's my version of a Sympathy Card.

ABOVE: From this view you can kinda see the little crystals I put on it.


MOM TAXI JULIE:  In New Zealand it is illegal to leave a child under the age of 14 alone at home. That is why I can't leave them here on their own.

It feels so good to have paid me bills, posted a parcel over to Aussy and am about to get me hair done... which will leave me with oooooh ... about $5 till next week!  
Thank God Stew is paid this week.... I can always  beg, steal or borrow off him!   His money is MY money after all!  ha ha ha.

I was wrong!  I've got $5 left.... yaaaa!  lol

Right, I went with the fringe again... and I'm going back to the salon in 3 weeks for a fringe trim ... for only $5.  SCORE.

I'm happy with me haircut/colour, it always makes ya feel good eh?

I'm off to Manukau shortly to pick up a new charger for Lacy's computer... then home again to prepare dinner... beef stew.

 ABOVE: my dogs could lie down anywhere... beds, chairs, any part of the couch.... but this is where they choose!

ABOVE: right here, on this particular cushion.  Both of them.  On ONE cushion.  How bloody cute is that!  Awwww.  I love these two!


So today has gone quite well really.  Even got to cluck over wee Keera for a while tonight when I took Lacy her new computer cable.  She can get online again now, which will make her happy.

End of day:  on a whole, a good day.  Tomorrow I am going to post some rather 'rare' photos.
nite nite.


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