At some point this morning Bex is arriving for a couple of days... and as she is all recovered from the 'flu we can go and visit Miss Muppet and Lacy.

I will take the Wall Hanging over too... I am sure Lacy is going to love it!

And here it is:

ABOVE: the flowers are yo-yos... with a button in the middle of each flower.  I really love this wall hanging, it's so cute.

I started work on another baby quilt last night ...  this one will be for Steve and Bex.... as their baby is the next one due, 1st of January 2013, unless he/she arrives early!  We will find out in just a couple more weeks if  'BABY FOE'  is a girl or boy.
Very exciting for our first time parents.

Here is the latest photo I have nicked off Facebook of our newest grandson and his toddler sister Sienna:

ABOVE:  Sienna just ADORES her baby brother!  Isn't she just gorgeous!  And Bodhi .... well he's just precious... I can't wait for the day I can hold them and smother them is kisses.

I'm very proud of myself too... as much as my too long fringe has driven me demented all weekend, I have NOT taken to it with the scissors!!!  I go to the hairdresser tomorrow (thanks to Steve)... he's lent me the money ... I can pay him back next week.  Freaking bills, why do they all have to arrive in the same bloody week?

I'm going to do some blog reading today too...  Cos I am getting behind AGAIN!


S0 far... it's been a busy morning.

Have I done any sewing?  NO
Have I read any blogs?      NO

Have I vacuumed  the house?           Yes
Have I tidied up all the bedrooms?   Yes
Have I washed the floors?                 Yes
Have I done the washing?                  Yes

Have I done me back in for the rest of the day?  HELL YES!

I havn't even finished putting the furniture back where it belongs yet either!

Bex and I went over to Lacy's for lunch... took some food with us... and I took my camera and took ZERO photos!  Bex enjoyed having cuddles with Miss Muppet.
Bex visited her midwife today too... all is great with Baby Foe....  her 20 week scan will be in just over two weeks... hopefully I can go to that one, as I couldn't go to her 12 week scan.

Don't think I can make it to Amanda's 12 week scan either... I've no babysitter for tomorrow afternoon, and no way am I taking Brylee and Griffin.

I wanted to make beef rissoles for dinner.... got home from Lacy's and damn ... no mince.
So I wondered... hmmm... could I make me own chicken mince?
I got out and defrosted some chicken breasts, chopped them up roughly and then put them in the food processor... and yaaa.. chicken mince!

So, I'm now making chicken rissoles.  I'll report back later on how well it worked.

End of Day:  well me rissoles went down really well!  We had them with salad on toasted chunky break... like open burgers.
They were super yum.
nite nite.

TRACY:  re your question:  Amanda's scan is tomorrow night, and Bex will have already gone back to Hamilton by then.


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