I'm going to do something my 'depression doctor' recommended today... and get out with JUST STEW for a while.

Not totally sure what we will do, where we shall go... but we are going to spend some alone time together.

It's going to be so HANDY having Lacy living just up the road... I can see us asking her to babysit on a regular basis.

Weird how that thought doesn't bother me AT ALL... whereas just a year ago it would have been the last thing on my mind to ever do!

I just had to take a photo of Lacy lying on the couch last night... she had company:

ABOVE:  Lacy sleeping on the couch... with me dogs for company!
I often lie down on that couch, with me lovely blankie... I wonder if the dogs realised it wasn't me?

Lacy slept there last night as she was concerned Miss Muppet was keeping Stew awake.
At least I can testify to how comfy that couch is to sleep on.... cos I've spent quite a few nights there when I've been coughing fit to kill.

What else?  The midwife is visiting again today to check how Keera's jaundice is doing, and Keera had a bit of redness spreading out from her umbilicus, so that has to be checked too.
Otherwise all is great with her... she's a lovely wee baby, feeds so well and sleeps well too... FOR NOW anyway!
We are well aware that could all change in the blink of the eye... *smiles*


Not too sure Stew and I will go out now... it's a really nasty cold, wet day and all I feel like doing is staying home and making scones!  Nice hot scones for lunch me thinks!

HAPPY ELF MOM:  yes, everything is is working order at Lacy's home now ... thank goodness!
She will be taking baby home to her own house sometime this coming week.

Stew just told Lacy she should start her own blog, and it would go something like this:

"I watched my baby, I fed my baby, I changed my baby's bum, I watched my baby, I fed my baby, I changed my baby's bum, I watched my baby .... and sometimes I had a sleep"   Very funny!
Cos that is all she does!  

It's so nice just sitting here relaxing in front of the fire!  Scones were delicious too!

Stew made dinner tonight, left over mince from last night, so he added mushrooms and made a cottage pie... OMG so yum!
Lacy and Keera are doing so well ... that little baby is really good at feeding!  A right little guzzle guts!

End of Day:  such a lovely weeked we have had, even though the weather turned to crap!  Didn't make any difference to us... we had a nice time just relaxing for a change.
nite nite


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