This last week has passed in a blur... I can't remember one day from the next to be honest.
So much going on.

Of course the best day was Keera's birth... she is a little ray of sunshine!  She's still just sleeping, pooping and feeding... the only time she's had a really good cry was when I bathed her.

Yesterday we did manage to get her in the sunshine for 10 mintues, hopefully we can do more today.

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet in the sunshine... with Lacy brushing her hair... baby seemEd to enjoy it too.  She's such a bonny baby, it's hard to believe she fitted inside Lacy!  

ABOVE:  Teddy being a funny dog... resting his head on the window sill while he watches what's going on in our street!  God help anyone who even MOVES... cos he will growl and bark at them.  Too cute.

ABOVE:  I can't believe in only 5 more days there will be ANOTHER new baby in our family.  It is so sad we won't be able to hold and cuddle him/her... Russell and Tess live in Kambalda, which is hours inland from Perth in Western Australia.
There is talk they will be coming over here this December... I hope like hell they can!

We have yet to even meet their first baby, Miss Sienna.  She is now 14 months old.  

Today we have the midwife visiting again this morning to check on Keera's jaundice... then the day is ours.
And I think it will be spent relaxing as much as possible.

Kelly and Rena will be visiting today too... so maybe not that much relaxing.


Miss Muppet had a very restless night, apparently she woke and cried A LOT... I didn't hear a thing, even though she is just in the next bedroom to ours!
Poor Stew heard her... Whoops.

Waiting for the midwife...

Baby is doing well... jaundice is no worse... sadly we have no sunshine to put her in today... maybe tomorrow.

Kelly and Rena arrived nice and early this morning... and since then we have had a relaxing day just watching some tv programmes we have taped... and clucking over Miss Muppet.

 ABOVE:  Griffin finally was allowed to hold his new sister and give her a love...

ABOVE: as did Brylee...

ABOVE: Kelly and Rena got a cuddle too.

ABOVE:  Granddad got another cuddle...

 ABOVE:  clearly his lap is now FULL !  lol

ABOVE:  Teddy wasn't that fussed, I was surprised he didn't get up and leave!  He really doesn't seem to care that Keera is there!

ABOVE:  THIS is my favourite photo of the Day!  So, so cute.

End of day: a really nice relaxing day, just what we needed.  It felt funny not going out in fact!
nite nite.


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