TODAY Steve, Bex and I are off to Hamilton for their 20 week scan.
Today we will find out what Baby Foe is... a girl or a boy.
We are meeting up with Bex's Dad as he is coming to the scan with us.  I have not met him yet, so it will be lovely to meet the other Granddad.  *smiles*

Hopefully the weather is not too atrocious... it was nasty last night that's for sure!

Now... here's a few cute little videos I took last night:

ABOVE: NO baby was hurt in the making of these videos!  lol

ABOVE:  Bex has caught my 'bug' and been OP SHOPPING.  She bought these cute soft toys and adorable cot blanket for Keera...

ABOVE:  Bex getting to feed Keera... so cute.  You can actually SEE a little belly on Bex now.  Baby Foe is starting to kick ... I got to feel the tiny kicks last night...was so sweet. 

Right... I better get a move on and get Brylee off to school so we can leave for Hamilton,  for that all important scan!


Home again!  It's been a really neat day.
We got to the Radiology Department early, so I had a chance to meet Bex's Dad properly.. he's nice.
Then it was 'scan time'... which took about 30 minutes.... and at the end the radiologist TRIED to find out what baby was... but it was impossible, as baby had one of it's feet right up in it's crouch!  
So, Bex went and had a piddle and wriggled the little bugger around a bit and the radiologist was then able to tell us what Baby Foe was!

ABOVE:  Bex having her scan.

ABOVE:  new toy we got for Baby Foe.  Ya guessed yet???

ABOVE:  Very clear!  Baby Foe is A BOY.  Steve and Bex are thrilled to bits.  Baby Foe is now going by the nickname :  SJ  (Steve Junior)... even though his name is not going to be Steve!
They are keeping his name a secret until he is born.

ABOVE:  SJ's latest profile... how GORGEOUS is he???

Got a shitty headache tonight... it's just simmering... grrrrrr.  
Had lots of laughs too... Teddy was 'talking' to me, he was soooo funny!  
Everyone is very happy ... Bodhi is on the mend, Steve and Bex's baby is healthy, and the guys are having a good time at camp.

End of Day:  I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when Stew and Griffin get home... I've missed them.  
nite nite.


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