SERIOUSLY... Miss Muppet needs a NEW name... and I've got the perfect one for her:


I have never heard a tiny baby fart as much as she does!!!
I swear, you only have to look at her and she pops one out... or a whole row of farts!

We can all be sitting in the lounge, with Keera in her bassinet.... then we all hear a rip roaring fart... and it's her!  Where does she get it all from??? And the loudness of it.  IMPRESSIVE!


I wanted a wharf for the terrarium... to put the pot of flies on... so last night Steve made it for me: 

ABOVE:  It was a joint effort... not that Teddy did anything... *smiles*

ABOVE:  nearly built...

ABOVE:  Taaa daaaa!  A cute little wharf for the frogs to jump on and hide under.  Thanks Steve!

ABOVE:  this little guy was waiting in the tree for a fly to fly by!  lol

ABOVE:  another view of the terrarium... my gawd the glass needs a clean!  It's a bit hard to do without letting the darn flies out though!

ABOVE:  I thought only girls could multi-task!  Not so apparently.  Steve is feeding Keera and talking to Bex on the phone.  Impressed.

TODAY:  I'm off to the Hospice Shop.  Then home to spend the afternoon with Lacy, Miss Muppet and Bex ... once she arrives.

BODHI:  As of right now, I've not had an update from Russ or Tess since last night ... I feel confident if anything was wrong they would ring or text me, so I'm hoping Bodhi is still slowly improving.
Maybe they will contact me later on this morning with some news.  I will let ya all know how he's doing when I know.

I wrote a few things yesterday that I regret.  I have apologised to Jackie, I had no right talking about a private transaction between us.  No right at all.  
I acknowledge that sometimes I am not a nice person.  But... I am human, just like everyone else.  I have never said I was PERFECT.  I know I am not!  I get shitty.  I can have dreadful knee jerk reactions.  I certainly do not stop and think fairly often.  I take offence where none was intended.  And well... there ya go... I apologise to anyone I upset yesterday.


Hospice was very quiet first thing this morning, but then it picked up so it was a nice morning.

We have two old men who come into the shop EVERY WEDNESDY... they wander around, stop and stare at me... sometimes for ages!  
BUT.. they never, ever buy a thing. 
Until today.

The really creepy one, who is renown for staring at women's bums and boobs came up to the counter with two 50cent glasses... and said to me "I will buy these from you, I will give you a dollar"... and he kept saying it... all the while staring at me in a really ikkk way. So I wrapped the glasses and took his money... and he HELD MY HAND when he passed over the dollar... IKKKKK, like massive IKKKKKKKKKK!

The other ladies who I work with laughed their heads off,  and said it was the first time he had bought anything cos he had a crush on me!  

I would have been flattered if he had been 30 years younger!  It just creeped me out.

Bex is here... which is nice as her and Lacy get on so well.  They talk babies non stop!  They are going shopping soon and leaving me with Keera/Muppet/Farty Pants.  WHAT a mouthful!

BEST NEWS EVER!  Bodhi has improved enough to GO HOME!!!  I'm so, so relieved.  He will have to be closely monitored by their GP (understandably) but still... he will be home today and Tess can settle down and relax in her own home and be with Russ and her girls too.

YIKES... it's pissing down with rain and hail!  I hope the kids/adults at camp are not getting drenched.  Soooo glad I am not there!

End of Day:  it's been a load of laughs tonight, with Lacy/Steve and Bex being silly.  I took some funny-ish videos of them... hopefully I can get them to upload for tomorrow's post.
nite nite

MY SON Russell has just left a comment on yesterday's post.  In it he mentioned about someone 'affording' to pay for me to fly over to Perth.  Anon Person,  you know who you are.. I did tell my family of your AMAZING offer to fly me over there ... and I know you wanted it NOT to be mentioned on my blog... but Russell didn't know that.  So I'm sorry about that.

Stew and I discussed this amazingly generous offer, but declined as we did not want to feel beholden to anyone, even though the offer was made with the KINDEST intentions, and with no strings attached!  
We still cannot believe a complete stranger would do that for me!  If I ever find out where you live M... I am going to come down there and give you the biggest hug EVER.


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