
FIRSTLY TODAY:  Condolences to my sister Lorraine in Australia, her boyfriend was killed in a car accident on Friday night.  We are thinking of you and his family.  ♥


It feels weird knowing Griffin spent his first night away from us with 'strangers'!  He had a sleep-over at his friend's house.
Wonder how much sleep they got!  I bet not that much.  I take my hat off to parents who 'do' sleep overs!

I don't know if I'd have the patience or tolerance to put up with a room full of giggly, 'won't to to sleep' kids!

I think he's coming home this afternoon.  I bet he will be going to bed a bit earlier than usual!  lol

I did not get a chance to do any sewing yesterday, what with Lacy and Miss Muppet visiting, and going out to Sylvia Park etc.

OH and Coronation Street was on too... it's on Thurs/Fri and Saturday nights here now.   And it's quite INTERESTING ... lots going on.  I know... Coronation Street is INTERESTING!!!
In me 20's and 30's I wouldn't be caught DEAD watching Coronation Street, but now?  I love it.

Did I ever tell you that the first TV programme I EVER saw was Coronation Street?  I was 5 when we got our first TV... and I saw Coronation Street followed by the 6pm News... then the TV programmes STOPPED until the next day!  CAN YOU remember the first TV programme you ever saw???

Here's a few cute photos from yesterday... cos I ain't taken any today yet eh?  lol

ABOVE:  Lacy, Stew and Keera.
I LOVE seeing Stew interacting with our grandbabies! 
I cannot remember a single time when my Dad held one of my babies.  NOT ONE.  That's sad.

But you can't go back and change things, so ..


WORRIED SICK.  Our infant grandson Bodhi is in hospital.   He has an infection in his blood, they don't know what yet.  He has an IV in with antibiotics, is being tube fed and is on oxygen.... so they are doing everything they need to do to get him well again.
I am BEYOND worried.  And so damn annoyed that they live so far away... and I cannot just jump on a plane and go to be with them.  DAMN DAMN DAMN.

MAGPIE:  I didn't take offence Chick.  Just wanted to clarify things.

KYM in Brisbane asked for the Ginger Cake recipe again... so here it is:

Preperation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 1hr 10 mins

185 g (6 oz) butter, chopped
1 cup (350g/11 oz) golden syrup
3/4 cup...(140g/4 1/2oz) lightly packed soft brown sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 1/2 cups (185g, 6 oz) plain flour
3/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 Tblsp ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon mixed spice
2 Tblspn finely chopped glace ginger

Ginger Icing:
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 Tblsp milk
2 Tblsp golden syrup
30 g (1 oz) butter, softened
1 1/2 Tblsp finely chopped glace ginger

Preheat oven to 160C or 315F, Gas 2-3... Line a lightly greased 9 inch square shallow baking tin with non-stick baking paper, over-hanging two opposite sides.
Combine butter, golden syrup, sugar and 3/4 cup of water in a pan and stir over gentle heat until butter melts and sugar dissolves.
Remove from heat and let cool a bit, then add the beaten egg, mix well.
Sift the flour, soda and spices, add to mixture and beat well to remove any lumps. Stir in the glaze ginger, pour into the tin. Bake for about an hour .. or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Cool in the tin for 5 mins then turn out onto a wire rack.

Icing: beat icing sugar, milk, golden syrup and butter together. spread over the cold gingerbread cake and sprinkle with glace ginger.
When cutting a sticky cake like this use a hot, wet knife for best results.

This cake will add 10 pounds OVERNIGHT. But it's delicious!.. and freakin easy to make. If you love ginger.. you will love this cake!

I needed to smile, so I rang our youngest son Mike in Palmerston North ... and we all had a good long yak with him.  We miss him so much. But, he's healthy and happy so we can't ask for anything more can we.

ABOVE:  Bodhi in hospital.  The doctors are now checking Sienna as well, as she is unwell too.  I am hoping she only has a bad cold... I don't know if I could bear it if she was ill too.

Meanwhile, wee Keera has a cold too... but she is OK... I've been around to Lacy's to make sure!

Heard from Tess this afternoon... Bodhi is no worse... so we just have to wait until tomorrow to find out what is ailing him.  Sienna is OK too.

Had a 'power nap' late this afternoon ... just could NOT keep my eyes open.  They are sore and aching and I have no idea why.

End of Day:  a very troubling day.  I hope tomorrow brings good news for our baby Bodhi.
nite nite

UPDATE on Bodhi before I go to bed.
Tess text'd me a little while ago... baby is no worse, holding his own. They are hoping that we will all know more about his condition tomorrow. It might just be a viral thing... but they just don't know yet. There was talk about his PKU test being abnormal too. So.. we wait. I will update if/when we have more news. THANK YOU to everyone for your kind wishes and concern. Bodhi is a much loved and special wee man.


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