I've woken up with only one thing on my mind.

I can't wait to hear from Tess and Russell... I hope they have some good news, or at least are able to say he had a good night.

It is such a worry when such a young infant is ill... and when it's one of your own grandbabies it's a bit scary to tell the truth.

At least I'm not on my own... Stew is home today.  He goes on school camp with Griffin tomorrow, so took today off as well.
I'm sure we can find something to do... like PACK for him and Griffin!

I doubt I will get much done until I hear from the family in Australia.
I feel a bit awful that I can't be there.
And also that my sister is going through hell with the loss of her boyfriend so tragically too.... at least my Mum is going to be with her for a few days.  
Mum lives in Coffs Harbour in Australia so isn't too far from my sister in Brisbane.  Well... I think it's about a 4-5 hour drive away?  

Right, I'm off to get lunches made for the kids... then I will probably sit and look at me phone, willing it to ring !


UPDATE ON BODHI:  he has Bronchiolitis.  The blood results are not in yet, they should be in later on this morning.  The doctors think there is something 'else' going on with him too... as he has been a VERY SLEEPY baby from birth.  

Classification and external resources

An x ray of a child with RSV showing the typical bilateral perihilar fullness of bronchiolitis.
Bronchiolitis is inflammation of the bronchioles, the smallest air passages of the lungs. It usually occurs in children less than two years of age and presents with coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. This inflammation is usually caused by respiratory syncytial virus. Treatment is typically supportive and may involve the use of nebulized epinephrine or hypertonic saline.

Tess is staying in the hospital with Bodhi, while Russell has taken time off work to look after Haylea and Sienna.

Apparently Bodhi could be in hospital for quite a while...  not good at all.  Poor wee mite.  It's going to be tough on Tess and Russell.

Righty ho... the housework is done, Olympic Closing Ceremony watched, face on... now Stew and I are going out to get a few things that Griffin needs for his school camp tomorrow.

Gawd.... I HATE PACKING with a passion.  Stew and I are trying to pack Griffin's camp bag... labelling everything, putting clothes into 'tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday bags.  Hoping he can sort it all out when he's on camp!

Griffin is reknown for his disorganisation skills, I dread to think how much he is going to lose!

Hopefully Stew can keep an eye on him... and make sure he changes his clothes each day... and doesn't throw sopping wet clothes on top of clean ones.  The mind is boggling.  *sigh*

I'm quite crabby now... and still waiting to hear more from the family in Australia too.

End of Day:  I can honestly say I have done NOTHING this afternoon.  Just felt like doing nothing!  Text'd Tess lots, keeping up to date on how baby Bodhi is doing.  He is a bit better today, nursing again and off oxygen, so he's getting better slowly.
nite nite

BODHI had to be put back on oxygen tonight.  Poor wee man was not coping well and his oxygen sats went too low.


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