I got some work done on Steve and Bex's Baby quilt last night.... I got the last animal made... the Ring Tail Lemur:

ABOVE:  All I have to do now is do the stitching around the outlines...  he already looks good eh?
THEN I need to put some vines/leaves/a parrot?... well you get the drift... link it all together.

We stayed up last night and watched The Hunger Games ... it was really good!  I didn't expect to enjoy it at all, not really my sort of movie at all.  But I did!  I am looking forward to the next movie when it comes out on DVD.

First up for today:  I go and see me Depression Dr... I'm sure she has a 'correct' title, I just don't know it!

All I do know is that she has made me feel so much better, and has helped me find new ways to deal with stressful situations in my life, and how NOT to react like I have in the past.  I used to let things literally make me sick inside by stressing too much.

NOT ANY MORE... Long may it last.

After the Doctor's visit, I have to attend a meeting at the Hospice Shop.  It's been called by the 'Management'... seems they have a big change to announce.  Everyone is up in arms wondering just what it is.

Then I shall come home and do something constructive... or read blogs even!  I keep meaning to... then find myself side tracked by life.  Yeah, it happens.

OH and before I forget:  ANON from yesterday (hi there person in Tarneit).... I seriously doubt either Bex or Lacy want to have their own blogs.  And as for Bex's baby bump... well I might do some more photos in a few weeks.  Just hang in there and wait.... OK?  


My visit to the Doctor went so well! She is really happy with how I'm doing, and how I'm learning to cope with difficult situations without becoming a blithering mess.   It's so EMPOWERING, and I love it.

Hospice Meeting:  they are closing two of their shops, NOT the one I work at.  It will mean 2 managers lose their jobs and about 40 odd volunteers lose their 'jobs' too.
Sad, but necessary.  Those two shops were losing money, not making it.

ABOVE:  a really funky dress? or jacket, depends how you want to wear it from the Hospice yesterday... cos me $2.50!  It's for Amanda, I kept looking at it on the rack thinking it was perfect for her... and I could not resist it.  

TRACY:  I have all three Hunger Games books on me Kindle!  I got them for Steve a while ago... now I will read them!

Dare I say it???   I've been to the mall... Bex and I had lunch then we went over to KMarket so Bex could find a couple of tops to wear that would accommodate her growing belly.  Luckily, even though the choice was fairly small, she did find some.
I'll post photos tomorrow.  

Yaaa..... I got the applique stitch around the Lemur done this afternoon... now it's on to the next stage.  I'll show you how it's looking ... tomorrow.

End of Day:  went shopping with Steve and Bex tonight.  Was an interesting evening.  More on that tomorrow.
nite nite.


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