Righty ho... here's Baby SJ's quilt so far:

 ABOVE:  it wasn't until I was almost finished applique'ing the lemur that I realised I should have used a smaller stitch!  And there was NO WAY in hell I was going to unpick it all.  So, there he is.  DONE.

 ABOVE: the quilt so far... I've got a few more bits 'n' bobs to go on it yet.
And outer sashings etc.

And now... we have Bex in her new 'maternity' clothes:

 ABOVE:  she got two tops like this, they have gathering on the sides so there is more fabric to allow for belly growth.

 ABOVE:  she's chuffed that she finally looks pregnant.  Funny girl!

ABOVE:  she got this maxi dress too... very brave wearing horizontal stripes, but she looks fine, don't ya think?

ABOVE:  pffffft!  She doesn't even look pregnant from the front in the dress!  She says it's lovely and light to wear too... and comfort is a biggie when you are pregnant.
She wrenched her back and was in lots of pain yeserday too... her back gives her lots of grief.  It's one of the disadvantages of her job, lifting patients etc.

Steve, Bex and I went to Sylvia Park last night. Steve was determined to buy a cot .... so he did!
Only problem was... we had gone is Stew's little Holden Viva... and fitting the cot in it was..... difficult.
But... Steve managed to fit it in... I had to drive home though, cos the back seats had to all be dropped down.  
See how we fitted the cot AND us three in the car:

 ABOVE:  he squeezed in UNDER the cot in it's box!!!  He was lying on the floor of the car!  

ABOVE:  doesn't he look like a dork?

ABOVE:  ha ha!  Climbing out when we got home.

And would you believe once we were home he HAD to put that cot together... in MY lounge... *sigh*

ABOVE:  one cot... in me lounge.  Luckily for them, we already had a cot mattress, so they don't need to buy one.

ABOVE:  Steve put the dogs in the cot... on MY new blankie... pfffft.  The dogs did not mind being in it on iota, in fact they snuggled down and went to sleep. 

RANT REMOVED.  Clearly I am easily offended, and I acknowledge that a certain post was NOT directed at ME... but it still bothered me.

Today:  I've got NOTHING on!  So I'm going to just sit and read blogs.  Yaaaa... time to do a big catch up again.  I'm always doing catch up's now!  


Yaaaa, the day is gorgeous out there!  I will get heaps of washing done today.

So... I'm a nasty bitch sometimes.  And I got called on it.  *sigh*   I can't help myself sometimes!  I am too reactive.  I really must work on that... even my psychologist has said I need to work on that!  Derrrr.
It stems from hating myself.  Hating myself for getting OBESE again. HATE HATE HATE MYSELF. And only I can fix me.  

Why can't I do it???  What the fuck is wrong with me?  I know I am killing myself every time I eat rubbish. 

I told Felicity the other day the only way I was going to lose weight would be by being on a desert island with only water to drink... and that I could live off me fat for months!  

Her reply?
"No you would die of thirst real quick cos you don't drink water"!  BITCH ha ha ha!

LYNDA and I have been 'in talks' all morning.  Trying to sort out our obvious differences.  It has been GREAT to air things between us.  We both have strong feelings on certain issues.  We both respect each other's opinions.  And I am no longer going to take her posts PERSONALLY. 

She feels strongly about how she is living her life... and so she should.  
She has done amazingly well with her diet/lifestyle and should be proud of herself.
And I am going to leave it at that.

Right, I've gone from feeling a bit down to really happy!
I am picking Keera up this afternoon and she is staying with us until tomorrow night.  Lacy has a friend visiting from Tauranga and they would like to do a few things without having a tiny baby in tow.... so how neat!  I can cluck over baby for at least 24 hours.

Hmmm... I better tell Stew now!  lol
I wonder if he will be just as chuffed as me???

DANG!!!  It's been sunshine all day, and bang on 3pm when the kids are on their way home from school it starts to piss down bucketloads!  Grrrrr.  Oh well... at least it's FRIDDAY eh!  Their uniforms can go straight into the washing machine.

NOW... It's time to go and pick up Miss Muppet!

It's been a lovely evening.  I made pies for dinner, and then we just watched TV while caring for Miss Muppet. 
I've got the night shift, so am sleeping on the couch so Stew gets to sleep.  I don't mind, the couch is really comfy!

End of Day:  another up and down day... but I am used to it.  So happy to be looking after Keera, she's such a wee doll.
nite nite


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