I did a 'top n tail' groom on the dogs the other night... where I trim around their eyes/face, and brush out their ears and tails... as they get all matted if you don't do it at least weekly in between 'professional grooms'.

Here they are after the 'trauma'! :

ABOVE:  My gorgeous Teddy... 

ABOVE:  Darling Coco, our soon-to-be Mummy again.  She had 'morning sickness' yesterday!   Amanda and Bex can commiserate!  lol

ABOVE:  Still working on this quilt... I ran out of visofix (sp?) so couldn't make the Ring Tail Lemur last night ... hopefully tonight I can make a start on him. Actually, drawing him was a mission in itself!
I also want to add some vines? a bird, a snake?... not sure yet, but I want to link the blocks together somehow.

FRIENDS.  Well I've been giving this some thought over the last week or so, and I've come to this conclusion.

I have some FANTASTIC FRIENDS.  You know, the ones who would NEVER say an unkind word about you, who have your back and take you just the way you are.

Then you have the 'friends' who say to your face one thing, while saying (or thinking) something quite different behind your back.  I am sure we are all guilty of this, myself no exception.
But I have decided that I really don't want false friends in my life, so I am going to do some culling. 

I don't need people in my life who are not nice.
And I won't have to bite my tongue when I hear shit being said. ... cos I simply won't hear it anymore!  Yaaa.

Depression Dr first thing.
Spotlight for visofix.
Pick up Lacy and Keera.
Lunch at mine for us and two of my Aunt's.

The Aunts want to meet Keera... so it will be a real 'girly' lunch.  I'm cooking a roast chicken so we can have hot chicken with salad for lunch.  Should be nice on a wet and miserable day.


Everything has gone like clockwork today... my visit to the Depression Dr went really well... she's pleased with my 'progress'.
Our lunch was delightful!
I cooked a really big stuffed chook, and we had it with a small roast potatoe each, lettuce salad, coleslaw, beetroot salad and feta cheese.
My Uncle Frank came too, and he enjoyed the lunch and chit chat as much as us girls.

ABOVE: Great Great Aunt Joyce (in the black and white bubbles) and Great Great Aunt Ethel clucking over  Miss Muppet.  

ABOVE:  Baby is looking chubbier in the face now AND she is smiling!  Proper 'eyes light up' smiles!  So darling.

ABOVE:  ready for bed....

The Aunts and Uncle left at 2.30, and now we are just waiting for Brylee and Griffin to get home from school before we take Lacy and Keera home.

CHRISTINE: in answer to your enquiry about grooming the dogs... I use hair cutting scissors!  Around the face anyway.  On the body I use an electric shaver (a dog one that I got from the Pet shop).  

End of Day:  hee hee... forgot to do this bit last night.  We had a lovely day.... got lots done too.  Nothing like have relatives over to motivate you to wash the freakin floors eh?  lol
nite nite


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