Right, first up for the day, another froggy photo... in this one we have a frog trying to be a  'tree frog' (plastic tree, but still a tree!) :

ABOVE:  isn't he so cute!

Now who asked about Bex's belly?  Here she is:

ABOVE:  19 weeks yesterday, not much to show for it yet.  Bex is disappointed!  I keep telling her not to worry, she will have a big belly soon enough, and then she won't be too thrilled about it!  lol

ABOVE:  upon Bex's request, a photo of the two pregnant girls in the house.... very cute.

Coco has ALREADY calmed down and started being more cuddly... so I am confident she has babies on board. 

Now, a couple of totally GORGEOUS photos of Miss Muppet taken yesterday at 27 days old.  Keera is 4 weeks old today!  

 ABOVE:  Lacy has the most gorgeous wee baby!  Miss Muppet is wearing her first headband ever.... awwwww.

ABOVE:  Lacy doing something she say's I do too much!  Taking photos.  According to Lacy my new name is 'THE PAPPARAZZI' !  LOL
I have always taken hundreds of photos of my grandbabies... just look back through the years!

ABOVE: not the clearest photo as I took it with me phone at the mall yesterday... Great Aunty Khady feeding Keera. 

There was an alcove in the Parents Room at the mall ... and Bex was about to sit there when I said, no, let me... as there were no other chairs to sit on... and my back was hurting.  So I got to sit in the alcove:

ABOVE:  the girls said it looked like I was sitting on the loo!  AS IF I'd get anyone to take a photo of me on the loo!!!  I think in the photo I was checking I really was sitting on a bench and not a loo!  lol

Today:  Hospice Shop duty, then home to do some more work on baby quilts.


POLICE:  hee hee... forgot that bit!
Griffin was being bullied and threatened on a daily basis by several boys at his school, and one of the bullies rang me 4 times in a row ... and was rude and disrespectful... so the Principal got the police involved.
Apparently the Police visited the boys at school yesterday and were given a right lecture.... and it would appear a letter of apology is coming my way shortly and Griffin will not be having a problem with them any more.  
I am very impressed with how the School Principal handled this. 

Today I picked up a lovely picture for Lacy's house and some baby clothes, and a really good quality pure wool blanket.

ABOVE: A gorgeous print of Mt Cook... (Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching 3,754 metres (12,316 ft).  It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.)  I'm sure it will look lovely in Lacy's lounge.

It's a wet day... and all the washing is out on the clothes line dripping wet.... *sigh*.  I will now have to get it all in and re-wash it.  Wonderful.  not.

It's been a busy afternoon/evening... I've been working on the next baby quilt, made dinner, visited me Aunty up the road so she could show me her latest quilt in progress using the 'quilt as you go' method... then came home and did some more on baby quilt.

End of Day:  had a few things mulling around in me head... about friendships.  And false friends. More on that tomorrow maybe.

nite nite.


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