TODAY:  I thought I would show you how well our frogs are doing, they love their home, and the love flies!  I have been feeding them mealworms a lot as there have been no flies around the house (which is a good thing!), but last week I bought a punnet of fly eggs, and as they hatch into flies, the frogs go nuts!

Usually they hide during the day, but with flies in their terrarium, they are out and about:

ABOVE:  I used the flash in this photo, so there is some glare from the glass, but it highlights the frogs lovely colouring.

ABOVE: in this photo you can see three frogs, and there was another one UNDER the two piggy backing frogs too!

ABOVE:  look how long his back legs are!  You don't realise how long they are until they do this.

ABOVE:  see?  You can understand how they can leap so far when you know how much propulsion they get with those back legs.

PALM TREE.  Well we pruned it right back some months ago, but we knew it would have to go as it would have just gotten bigger and cracked not just our driveway, but the neighbour's as well.  AND there was the MAINS water supply only a couple of metres from it too!
So, Steve cut it down last night:

ABOVE:  before.

ABOVE:  during...

ABOVE:  the final chop..

ABOVE:  Bex giving it a hug (so you can tell it's size). I'm going to leave the trunk there as I love it's shape and I am trying to think of a way to 'use' it ... maybe I will shove a KIWI flag on top of it!

Today Bex and I will go to Spotlight so I can buy some grey fabric for her Baby Quilt.... for one of the animals that is going on it.  We will probably take Lacy and Keera along too.


Re: the palm.  I am wondering if I can get some sort of succulents to grow on it, like shove some sphagnum moss in the cavities and see what happens?  It could look quite awesome!
Or those 'air' plants... the ones that seem to grow on anything and their roots hang in the air?  Must investigate the possibilities.

Bex and I are off soon to pick Lacy and Keera up... then off to the mall.  We are meeting up with my SIL Khady for lunch too... so a lovely morning is planned.

FOUR HOURS of solid shopping.  With girls.  What FUN.... lol
I bought some fabric for Bex's cot quilt, and.... ya gunna love ... flies.


We also had a nice lunch at the food court, and now Bex and I are home, Lacy and Keera are at their home, and my SIL has gone back to her home too.

Kids arrived home from school only 5  minutes after we got home, THAT was good timing!

End of Day:  dinner was really nice, hot meaty soup... so good on a winter's night. NOT that it's very cold here I must say.
Time to do something I've put off for a few days... brushing Coco's ears, they are matted and she hasn't let anyone else comb them.  So it's up to me.  
nite nite.


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