Today, I might just try working out a home based exercise regime ... one that is sustainable for me right now.

I want to start slowly building my fitness back up... maybe not to the level I had it at 6 years ago... when I was going to the gym 6 days a week and being quite anal about it... but to a point where I am feeling a shit load better than I do right now!

So... once the kids are at school I'm going to go down to the garage and give it some serious thought.... while looking at me gym equipment!

Then I might even do some exercise....

NOW, what else is on me agenda for the day?
As Bex is here, maybe we will go and visit Lacy and Miss Muppet for a little while.

And of course, there is always some housework to do.... 
And sewing.
And preparing dinner.
And ... well you get the drift.... a normal day.

Been nutting out my next Baby Quilt.  I wanted Bex here to help me as it's for her and Steve's baby:

ABOVE:  we are working on a 'giraffe' theme, jungle theme type thing.  This is by no means how the quilt will look when finished, there will be more animals and 'stuff', I just have to work it out still!  


ABOVE:  WHY... I do believe I've been likened to an ostrich!  Is that any worse than a 'Plonker' one wonders?
Hell no, cos ostrich's are so damn cute don't ya think?  

I'm now off to pick up Lacy and Keera, and I think some nice hot scones for lunch will be PERFECT.  WITH jam and cream.

ANONYMOUS:  I will stand on my HIGH GROUND and just look down upon you... cos name calling is so pathetic for an adult... unless of course you are just a child, then I forgive you.

And that is the last 'comment' from me on certain subjects.
Each to his own, and to myself I will stay true.
People can say what they like from now on, I will NOT be reading it.  

***Edit:  deleting 90% of your update just shows that you realise how condescending it sounded.  Point to the ostrich I believe... and thanks to my friend who copied and pasted it to me. I have that update in it's unedited form btw.  At least I know my reactions were JUSTIFIED.

It is a bit 'nippy' today, I actually feel a bit cold, so I'm off to turn on the heaters... so our wee darling Keera doesn't get cold.

Our lunch was lovely, hot scones with jam and cream. Yummy.  The girls certainly appreciated them.  And we have left overs for afternoon tea too... the kids will enjoy that.

I am going to get on the treadmill later on, then do some crunches with the Swiss Ball.... then try to see how long I can last on the cross trainer!

GILLY:  I don't think anything would be gained from having a go at someone who clearly realised she made a boo boo by writing it in the first place.  Though I'm sure she feels like she did nothing 'wrong' calling all of us turkeys and ostrich's while she "soared like an eagle,  looking down upon us carb and sugar eaters".
That still irks the hell out of me actually.

End of Day:  I would like to lie and say I did actually do the exercise I had planned.  But I won't.  I got caught up in other things.
Like life.
nite nite.


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