I had a look at my calendar and I can't believe it!
I have nothing 'on' this week except Hospice on Wednesday.
The Baby Quilt will get heaps done on it :

ABOVE:  work in progress... putting the smaller bits 'n' bobs on it... still got a few more things to add... butterflies? Not sure yet...but the top left hand side needs something...

I'm looking forward to getting heaps done on it today... and then start doing the applique stitching on the latest additions. 

Bex is due back tonight, and I really want to have heaps done so she can see how it's coming along.  

AND I need to think about making matching Bumper Pads for the cot too... and the other day at The Baby Factory I saw a nifty padded thingee that you attatch to the top rail of the cot so the baby doesn't chew the wood.  Excellent idea!

I'm sure there was something else I wanted to blither on about, but damned if I can remember right now... maybe it will come back to me later.  Until then...


Wow... I'm cold today!  Now THAT is a novel feeling.  Ain't felt cold all winter, and today I am.  It's a crappy day outside, I dropped Steve at work and the kids at school and now I'm going to sew!  

BEEN SEWING.... for 4 and a half hours solid.  Now I'm seeing double!  But the quilt is coming along so well... I'm still doing the applique stitch around everything.   I think I might have finished that step when Bex gets here tonight!  

I hope she like it!

I had a piece of 'scone toast' for brunch... scone toast is a super thick piece of toast bread... and OMG am I suffering now!  I have the most wicked heartburn going on.

Not happy.   And I already knew that would most likely happen too.  I'm a twit.

Right... little break over... time to get back to it before the kids get home from school in a little over an hour... shit the day is flying by.  

The sun has even come out while I was in the garage!  Nice.

ABOVE:  Sewing for 6 hours in total today ... and all the applique stitching is done... and I added two butterflies and a wee bird.  Now ALL I have to do is add the batting and backing fabric and QUILT it.

OH yaaaa... that will probably take another whole day or two.

ADVICE WANTED:  I was thinking of quilting it with just wavy lines up and down the entire thing ... myself.  Do you think that will be OK? There is no way I am going to send it off to a professional to do.  I'm STILL waiting on Emily's quilt that has been at the quilters for almost 3 months now!

End of Day:  a super productive day, and I loved it!
nite nite.


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