I know of only two men who just DOTE over babies.

And they BOTH live in my house!

Stew and our son Steve.  They really love babies.  It's so lovely to see.  They don't care that other's could think they were 'soft'... they are caring, nurturing men.
That's why I love them so much.
They CARE, and they show it all the time.

How could anyone not love this gorgeous wee babe???

ABOVE:  Stew arrived home from work last night, and as baby Keera was up, he swooped right in there and nabbed her.  So cute.

ABOVE:  having a very meaningful conversation... I'm sure.  *smiles*

ABOVE:  Awwww, Keera made her Granddad smile...

ABOVE: Yes Granddad, I AM coo'ing at you... and trying to smile so hard.

ABOVE:  we have one very loved wee baby.  

I can't wait until Russell and Tess come over in December, we are going to have such fun with Keera and Bodhi, not to mention Sienna and Haylea too!  

AND after Christmas we will welcome Steve and Bex's little man into our family.  How lucky can one family get?  There will be another baby added to the mix in February too, when Amanda has her next baby.

I am just so thrilled.  In case you didn't realise by now... I kinda DOTE on babies too!  lol
You can never have too many eh!

TODAY:  Well Steve has the day off as he's working 6 weekends in a row ... so we will probably all go out for a while.  I need to get some batting for Baby SJ's quilt for a start.


I've had mixed success with my shopping today.  I really wanted to find some fabric that I have already used in Baby SJ's quilt... but both the Spotlight stores I went to didn't have it any more .... bugger damn and blast!
So.., now I have to think of some other way to tie it all in.  

What else?  I took THREE pots of fly eggs back to Animates cos NONE of them have hatched and me frogs are getting bloody hungry.  They gave me a store credit ... and I'll tell you this: 

Flies are not cheap!  Roll on summer when there are lots of flies around and I can catch the buggers for FREE.  Pffffft.  I got mealworms  for the frogs instead.

So, I get home and Steve and Bex are bored.  Oh to be bored!  I've got way too much to do to ever get bored now!   

I love my home, even if it's a wee bit small... I do love making it cosy for everyone.  And I love sewing, making things for the ever expanding family.  And I really LOVE just being at home!

When we first moved up here from Palmerston North I used to be so lonely and bored...but I've kinda gotten over that now.  Thank goodness.

I'm over being miserable.  I'm gunna be happy!

I'm sitting here doing me update and Steve and Bex are opposite me on the two seater couch... and this is what Steve is doing:

ABOVE:  ya know, there is something just a little bit 'wrong' about seeing your son fondle his fiance's boobs!  He thought it was funny!  
Yeah, so do I really.

They have buggered off to the mall for some retail therapy... then they are bringing back a VERY LATE lunch.

Meanwhile, I'm moving on to the next step with the Lemur Baby Quilt.

I made lasagna for dinner tonight... it was a bit SLOPPY... whoops!  Haven't made it in years.  At least it tasted good.

I'm heading down to the garage again shortly... I decided to make a nice backing for the baby quilt, instead of just using calico like I have done before.

I think I will do it for all my baby quilts from now on... it looks nicer.

End of Day: awesome evening.  Got lots done on my sewing project.
nite nite.


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