I was browsing Facebook last night and came across a very clever idea that I want to share:

ABOVE: ingenious eh?  I would never have thought of it!!!  But it's what I will be doing from now on, that's for sure.

I was reading a blog last night, and pinched a photo to add to my Pinterest Boards... and WHOOPS!  Got stuck looking at other's boards/pins for a couple of hours!   It's SO ADDICTIVE!

This was the photo that took me fancy:

ABOVE:  see?  STUNNING wedding bouquet.  I love the vibrant colours.  

 ABOVE: Sienna yesterday, always on the move!
She looks so much like our Daughter Kelly did as a toddler!

 ABOVE:  Our wee man Bodhi, he's doing really well, even though he has a blasted head cold.  Poor wee mite.

ABOVE:  Miss Emily.  We haven't seen her in ages.  Photo taken off Facebook.  Yaaa for Facebook.

Today I am going to sew.  I do not have anything else on... which is nice.  Just me pottering around in me garage.  BLISS.

I shan't JINX it by saying I might get some exercise... but just quietly... I might!


It's a gorgeous day today... I've been out shopping, got a few sewing supplies I needed and some cotton thread... $60 spent just like that.  *sigh*

Been thinking about my attitude to dieting.  
I keep coming back to this:  I live my life for TODAY... and don't give much thought to me in 10/20 years time... and that is probably down to having lost both my brothers when they were only young men and my Dad in an accident too, so I feel you never know what can happen tomorrow, so live today like it's your last.
So... if I feel like an ice cream I will have it!

BUT... I am going to work hard to get healthier, MY WAY.  Cos I know when I am being 'good'... my God I can be very good!   
I've not lost 61 kilos in the past without learning a few lessons along the way!  *smiles*

ABOVE:  do ya like my new shopping bag?  I couldn't resist it, Rhino's are one of my favourite animals.  I'm also thrilled I bought a new blade for my rotary cutter, the old one was driving me nuts ... not doing a good job at all. 

I've had a quiet afternoon... just felt a bit jaded after lunch... so I watched some telly that had been taped.  
Dinner is going to be easy, I'm making small individual pies for everyone.  Beef and bacon.  Should be nice.

End of Day:  dinner was great... the family love me pies.
Watching 'The Voice' Australia, quite enjoying it. 
nite nite


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