I decided, with so many infants popping in and out of this house, and two more to arrive early next year, it would be a good idea to get a bassinet for this house!

I never thought I'd ever need to buy another bassinet!  But I did.  I got this one off Trademe:

ABOVE:  isn't it sweet?  Pretty good for $50 I think.

 ABOVE:  I am going to enjoy making some new bedding, drapes etc for it!

Yaaa, I finally got some new photos of our youngest Grandson and his baby sister:

ABOVE: our son Russell and his two babes.... Bodhi 2 weeks and Sienna 14 months.

ABOVE:  doesn't Bodhi look so tiny!  Precious.

ABOVE:  Miss Sienna... seems she still loves her baby brother.  

 ABOVE:  in this photo wee Bodhi looks like he's gunna be a blondie like his sisters.

ABOVE:  makes me melt.... he's so adorable. 

TODAY?  I'm going to visit Lacy and Keera for a little while, then read blogs I think!

Before I go for now... I've been browsing the 'web' for pictures for me 'Pinterest' Boards, and found this one last night :

ABOVE:  all I can say is 'WOW'  ... and why doesn't anyone make these here??? I found this picture here:

LASTLY (for now) here's the latest scan picture of Amanda and Andrew's baby, due early February 2013:

ABOVE:  Baby O'Beirne, 13 weeks along.  7 weeks till we find out if Baby O'B is a girl or boy.


lol JENNY:  we do have a porta-cot, a highchair and a buggy, toys etc, etc.  Just not a cosy wee bassinet!  I doubt I will be giving them away any  time soon.  *smiles*

Seems I have an appointment with the school Principal today.  Oh yaaaa.

How come you always feel like a naughty little kid when you have to see THE PRINCIPAL?  lol

Our meeting went well.  She was just as annoyed as we were about the phone calls we got from smart mouthed bully boy!
She is going to deal with it.  She even asked me to report the 'nuisance phone calls' to the police!

I tried to, but they said they don't deal with those sorts of phone calls, they only deal with threatening phone calls.  Fair enough.

I'm heading over to Lacy's later on this morning, she needs to go to the bank.  I'm thinking we will have lunch 'out' too.  Yaaa.  I'm a bit sick of sandwiches.

MARY H:  I haven't picked up the bassinet yet, that's happening tomorrow afternoon.  And Stew wouldn't bat an eyelid if he saw one in this house, he KNOWS we ain't ever taking on another baby!

I just got an email from the school Principal, and she is going to get the 'Community Constable' to talk to the bully boys... yaaa for a pro-active Principal.

Hopefully the bullying stops as I am not that thrilled at the thought of having to walk the kids to and from school just so they are not picked on.  (even though the exercise would be ever so good for me.)

MARY H: OMG a 'happy accident' would be an absolute MIRACLE ....   as I have had a hysterectomy eh?  ha ha ha!

Lunch/shopping with Lacy and Miss Muppet went well ... baby was much more settled in her pram today.

I'm home now and am going to do a bit of housework before heading up the road to walk home with the kids.  *sigh*

Spur of the moment decision, as per me Dr's recommendations... Stew and I are going out to dinner again tonight.  Just us.  Griffin doesn't think much of that... but too bad.  It's not all about our kids.  We are living this life too.  Our lives didn't stop when we had kids after all! 

It's getting easier to do this too....*smiles*

End of Day:  Well, Stew and I had a very nice evening out!  We ended up having dinner out then going to the movies.
We saw 'Ted'... lighthearted and fairly funny.
nite nite


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