Happily it's Friday.... gone are the days when I disliked weekends!
Having the kids home is no longer a pain in the butt... they are both such good kids on the whole now days, I really don't feel like throttling them all the time!


I also love having Stew home ... he works too damn hard... and really needs a break by the weekend.

Now.. what's up today?  I'm going to read a few hundred blogs ... then pick Lacy and Keera up and bring them back here while I go and pick up that bassinet I bought off Trademe.   If I don't get home by end of school time, Lacy will be here for Brylee and Griffin when they get home.

I still find it weird that I can now rely on her to BABYSIT the kids!  She has changed so much... I keep saying it... cos it's such a turn around for her.

I have NO photos for ya yet, so I'll post these instead:

 ABOVE:  Seriously.... if I still had a bloody uterus ... that's what mine would do!

ABOVE:  this is a neat idea!  Imagine everyone at the table getting a small chocolate 'bowl' with fresh fruit in it ... how awesome would that be for a dessert!  Obviously you would have to find smaller balloons.  (you put sellotape around the top of the balloon so you can pop it without it making the chocolate crack I think?)

ABOVE:  top photo ... so unrealistic.  Bottom photo:  real girls.  I like this so much... cos all of the 'real' girls are just gorgeous.  

ABOVE:  my ideal staircase!  I'd love it, even at the ripe old age of 53!  


Our first litter of puppies are ONE YEAR OLD today!  I had forgotten!  I hope they are all living wonderful lives with their forever families.

Lacy is here with Keera until after dinner... she stayed at my house while I went out to pick up the bassinet, now, once Keera wakes up she can go in my bassinet...

ABOVE:  right now Miss Muppet is on the couch sound asleep....

ABOVE:  gorgeous.  

ABOVE:  all ready for Keera... and any other infant who comes into the house.  Not too bad for $50!

End of Day:  well it's been a good day again, had an easy dinner tonight as Lacy, Kelly and Rena were here as well.
Steve has gone off to Hamilton for the weekend, so I can get into his room and tidy it up and know that it will STAY TIDY for two whole days!  
nite nite


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