I am going to say this again...

IF it was AT ALL possible ... I would be on the very next plane heading to Perth, then jumping on a train to Kalgoorlie, then on a bus to Kambalda... to be with my son, his partner and their kids.  
It is killing me inside knowing that there is NOTHING I can do to help them through this tough time with their newborn son being ill.

It is all very well readers saying 'where there is a will, there is a way' and 'sell some stuff on Trademe' and 'use your Credit Card' etc.  But excuse me:

-Don't you think I haven't racked my brains to find a way?

-I don't actually have anything to sell on Trademe that is going to raise at least 2 thousand dollars in a hurry!  And I don't have one of these either:

ABOVE: if you have one of these in your backyard... let me know ... I'll visit you!

- And if I had at least 2 thousand dollars leeway on our Credit Card... I would use it!

- And I'm QUITE sure me standing on a corner ain't gunna work either ... *shudder at the thought*  (that is just a joke btw)

Without going into finer details about our finances (which is none of any one's business but ours) ... just take my word for it... we CANNOT afford for me to just pop over to Australia right now.

Why I feel I have to JUSTIFY why I can't go over to Australia is upsetting... and does not help how I am feeling at all.  

I'm already upset enough thanks.

TODAY:  I'm going to pick Lacy up and take her to the mall so she can do her grocery shopping.
That is all I have on my horizon today.

Well... that, and keep in touch with the family in Australia as much as I can without becoming a text pest!

BODHI UPDATE:  he has Bronchiolitis AND a urinary track infection ... and 'something' not quite right with his blood.  Still waiting on blood test results.  

He was doing a bit better yesterday, he was off the oxygen and nursing again.  BUT last night he had to go back on the oxygen as his oxygen sats dipped too low.

Hopefully I'll hear from Tess again this morning with more updates.


Tess just been in contact... Bodhi is now off oxygen (again) as babies his age can become too dependant on it... so he's on nebulisers every two hours to help his oxygen sats.

ABOVE: Tess and Bodhi, doing as well as can be expected.  Poor Tess looks knackered, I hope she is looking after herself too... can't have Mum sick too!

ANON:  sorry Chick, you could be one of MANY readers in Aussy, so I'm not too sure who you are!

I had a plan to pay off our ONE Credit Card debt too.. but shit keeps cropping up... but in a few weeks I too hope to be able to put aside money each week into an 'emergency fund', and to slowly pay off the ONE Credit Card we have.  I'm a shocking 'impulse shopper'... and once I get an idea in my head, I've gotta have it!  Edit:  within REASON of course!!!  

OMG Jackie.... really???
I do not have an addiction to shopping.  
Yes I do enjoy shopping, but so do millions of other people.

I have made the mistake of not having an 'emergency' fund... but I bet millions of people are in the same boat.

I am just gobsmacked at your comment to tell the truth.
Have I EVER questioned your spending?  Perhaps if you put your purchases on your blog I can go through them and decide what is a NECESSITY and what's not???
To say I'm rather cross right now would be an understatement.

Come to think of it... a puppy was not a necessity, but I was kind enough to allow you to pay her off over a couple of months.  edit:  this was NOT NICE of me to mention, and I apologise to Jackie unreservedly.  As she has mentioned it in a comment that I published, it is a bit late to take it down now, otherwise I would.  

A lot of 'things' of higher price are paid off over time in this house too... like the two new beds we got recently.

ANON:  BUT OF COURSE...my camera goes everywhere.  If I do feel like standing on a corner... I'll be sure to take a photo for you... lol!   THANKS FOR THE LAUGH!!!

ABOVE:  LACY bought a Bouncer thingee for Keera, and the cute wee elephant activity toy... we named the elephant 'Sylvia'   ... cos she came from Sylvia Park Mall!  

ABOVE:  Little Miss Muppet, so darn cute.
Lacy has come home with me, and is going to stay a couple of days so I can do the night feeds for her.  Lacy is getting really tired, so it's the least I can do for her.

Yes, I do live for the moment.  Yes I do spend money on non essentials.  Yes I do feel guilty that I cannot be with Russell and his family when they are going through this tough time.  Yes, I am learning from this for sure.
I try NOT to feel 'attacked' by certain comments..... if my reactions are a bit 'strong' I apologise.
Hindsight is a great thing.

I think ONE big thing I have learnt is that I put far too much personal stuff on this blog.  I will be more careful from now on, you can bet on it.

PINKY:  Griffin had a great time on his sleep over!  The Dad said Griffin was a lovely boy to have over... and he had an EXCELLENT appetite!

Stew and Griffin are now on camp... and I forgot to do one thing... weigh Griffin before he left!   I'm thinking he will lose some weight while on camp!  Stew probably will too.


I talked to Stew this evening... he's knackered!  Very busy at camp it would appear.

I asked how Griffin was... and Stew said he had a really excellent, but tiring day!  His first session was Kayaking ... he fell out 3 times!

Then they had a 'Problem Solving' session, and apparently Griffin became a natural  'Leader' and was AMAZING... Awww my heart swelled with pride hearing that.

I asked about food... dinner was chicken/salads/and so on, and they had dessert too.
I asked Stew if Griffin got enough to eat (knowing our boy, he eats like a horse) and Stew said Griffin had seconds of the main and THIRDS of the dessert!!!
Well.. Maybe our boy WON'T be losing any weight after all.  *laughing*

End of Day:  it's been INTERESTING, but not upsetting.  I must learn to stop and THINK before jumping down people's throats. 
nite nite.

ANON:  the one who mentioned my rug/hospice shop purchases and Lacy's DPB etc ... I am not giving you the satisfaction of even publishing your shitty comment.
ANON/KAREN:  point taken.  


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