BLOOD TEST:  Bex has to do a glucose tolerance test this morning... so she will drop Steve off at work and go do that.

Meanwhile, I will pick Lacy and Keera up this morning and drop Lacy off at the train station.. she needs to see her lawyer in town again.

Keera will stay with me.  I plan on taking her with me to the Doctor's... my doctor expressed a desire to meet our Miss Muppet, so today she will.

Well.. that pretty much covers the entire morning.

Once I've finished at the doctor's I plan on going to the mall to post a couple of parcels, pick up my photo CD's and then go home!

Hopefully Keera will behave herself! She is pretty good at being out and about actually... which is great.

ABOVE:  Steve being a twit last night... trying to see his baby moving.  Awwwww.... babies always stop moving when you don't want them to!

ABOVE:   looks weird eh?  All that came off... 

ABOVE: this head!  He's like a bloody sheep... all my son's have thick heads of hair.  


I AM HEARTBROKEN.   SAGE died overnight.  I have no idea why.

ABOVE:  Sage.  RIP beautiful girl.

I've been to my 'depression Dr' this morning.  It was a VERY LONG appointment.  I am a bit down obviously.  

Coco seems OK... maybe a bit stressed.  I took the puppy out of the whelping box and she didn't even follow me when I left the room.  She knew.
I am 90% sure puppy got smothered by accident.  She was not the one gasping the other day, so now I'm so scared another one will pass away.

I am fighting back the tears... I'm so sad about Sage... and so worried about the rest of them.  I've wrapped Sage in some pink polar fleece fabric and we will bury her when the guys get home.  I am dreading telling Brylee and Griffin.

I have made an appointment at the Vets for this afternoon, so Coco and all the pups can be checked.  JUST TO BE SAFE and be reassured there is nothing else going on ... like Coco might have an infection that is affecting the pups?  I don't know.  I want them checked.

VET VISIT:  The vet checked all the puppy's and said they were all healthy, she could not find anything amiss with them.  

Then she checked Coco, took her temperature, palpitated her tummy and could find nothing wrong.  She gave her an injection to help her uterus contract some more, as she is still 'losing' from there.

Then she checked our deceased Sage... and said it looked like she might have aspirated some milk into her lungs as she had milk around her nose ... or Coco accidentally smothered her.
Either way we will not know for sure.

I still feel so worried we might lose another one.. hopefully everything goes well from here on.  I know I am not going to relax about them for a good long while!

The kids.. well I told them we had lost Sage and yep, we had tears and questions.  Hopefully they are up to the 'funeral'.... Sage is going into one of our gardens... and I will grow a sage plant near her.

Poor Griffin... he can't stop crying... it has broken his heart losing Sage.  He's such a soft hearted boy.

End of Day:  well clearly it was a right suckful day!  I think I will be sleeping near the puppies tonight!  If I wake up to another dead puppy I will be beside myself!
nite nite


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