Healthy is The New Skinny Challenge!

Hello Champagne Girls!

As you may or may not have heard (how could you not? I am a loud mouth!) me and my co-hosts from Bubbly Talk Radio have all embarked on our 30 day "Healthy is The New Skinny" challenge. We're calling it a 30 day challenge because as Dr. Fritz told us on the show last week, we need to set small goals (baby steps!) but in reality this is a true lifestyle makeover.

We're all following my very own Champagne Diet which as you probably know, is all about healthy eating, drinking and living. We're indulging in the best of the best: fresh veggies, delicious fruits, lean proteins and whole grains. We're keeping our calorie count around 1200-1400 per day (use whatever method you like to track) and most importantly - we're NOT giving up our wine and champagne! A life without bubbles is life not worth living, and we're all about decadence here!

And don't forget to strap on your runners and hit the gym ladies. We've got to keep those beautiful bodies in motion! Plus, the more calories you burn, the more wine you earn!

We will be tweeting, facebooking, instagramming and pinning photos of our meals, inspirational messages, updates on our progress, our trips to the gym, and everything in between using the hash tag #HealthyIsTheNewSkinny. Think of it as your online support system!

Every Tuesday, we'll be sending out a newsletter which you can sign up for here. The newsletter will document our progress and share our experiences.

So join us, won't you? Cheers!


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