After our sad loss yesterday I kept jumping up and checking on the pups over in the far corner of the lounge.
It wasn't working for me... I was up and down every 5 minutes.
So I moved the whelping box:

ABOVE:  Bex holding the pups while I moved the box...

ABOVE:  now I can keep watch while in my chair!  I hope they hurry up and grow so I can stop stressing...

ABOVE:  the kids and I stood watch while Stew buried our wee girl.  In the next few days I will buy a Sage plant to put here too.

TODAY:  seriously?  I doubt I will be doing ANYTHING except watching the pups!  I'm too nervous to go and do anything.

I've got a hair appointment tomorrow... sheesh might have to get Lacy to come and 'puppy sit'.

I decided not to sleep in the lounge last night too... even though I was petrified about losing another puppy... I figured if we did there would be nothing I could do about it anyway. 
I got up twice during the night and checked on them, and they are all OK.  

Time for me to make the lunches now... then it will be housework time!  Friggin yaaa....


I'm feeling a bit better today.  Just sitting watching the puppies sleeping... is reassuring to me.
MY APOLOGIES for not visiting any blogs in the past week... my mind has been elsewhere and to be honest, my heart just isn't in it right now. All I want to do is hover over the babes.  I will probably feel more relaxed in a few days and can sit still long enough to visit you all.

I must be shattered!  I fell asleep in my chair sometime this morning... and when I woke ... bugger me!  It is 12.30??   Whoops.  I had intended to vacuum the entire house before anyone got home.  Steve has today off work, so he and Bex have taken themselves off for the day together.  They don't get much private time together in this house!  I think they just wanted some space for the day  ... and NO ... not for hanky panky!  Just for being together.  *smiles*

It really isn't that crash hot falling asleep midday eh?  Now I need a nurofen... or two.

OUT of the blue... tears now.  Can't believe how many of you left me a comment expressing your condolences about our wee Sage.  I know she was just a teeny tiny puppy, and not even here for long... but I loved her.  THANK YOU each and every one of you for your lovely words and kindness.

Steve and Bex arrived home...

 ABOVE:  they got a Sage plant...

ABOVE: yep, I'm evil... only Bex will appreciate THIS photo! *snigger*

ABOVE: now all I want is a little 'SAGE' herb marker... you know, the one's you can get from a garden centre made of pottery.  I will find one  somewhere.

I received a lovely surprise this afternoon... more on THAT tomorrow.

End of Day:  feeling much better today... the sick feeling in the pit of me stomach has eased.
It WILL be a better day tomorrow.
nite nite


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