Late yesterday afternoon I got a really lovely gift delivered to my door:

ABOVE:  A gorgeous bunch of flowers, wrapped in BLUE of course!  So pretty! So lovely of Paula down in Christchurch to think of sending me flowers to cheer me up.  THANK YOU CHICK.... and hmmmm... how did you get my address???  *smiles*  I know now.. you became a stalker!  LOL  Well done on your detective work. 10 outta 10.

SAGE'S corner of the garden.  Now she has company too...

ABOVE:  I'm happy with her spot now.

ABOVE:  I love the little 'mushroom girl'.

ABOVE:  see the happy little tails?  Too cute.  I'm going to love these wee buggers to bits too.

TODAY:  last day of Term 3 for the kids.  They will be home for the next 2 weeks.  Yaaa... I get to sleep in?  Yeah... in me dreams.  At least I will get a break from making lunches first thing in the morning.

I am getting my hair done this morning, so is Bex.  Lacy is coming over to 'puppy sit'... so I can relax and not stress out about them while I'm away.  I hope this excessive worrying eases soon!

DEBBIE AND GLENYS:  I posted your parcels yesterday, so Glenys your's should arrive in about a week, and Debbie your's will be a few days longer... cos you are far, far away!


I stand corrected (Thanks Wombat!)... it's a 'Strawberry Girl' not a Mushroom Girl.  Either way, she's cute.

Hair took 2 and a half hours today... it was tedious, but *sigh* it's the price we pay for vanity.
Bex got her's trimmed and washed too... she doesn't like her hair too long.

Lacy did a great job of caring for our babies (human and puppies)!  She sent me text's to let me know everyone was alright... which was lovely.

I know that in a couple of weeks the pups will be that much bigger and I will stop worrying about them.  They are all making good weight gains each day too... with no obvious 'runt'.  Last time our little Tulip was the runt, but she had the BIGGEST  personality to make up for it!

I wonder who will be 'boss' of the litter this time?  *smiles*

Bex preggy photos:

ABOVE:  she's getting there!  3 months to go.

WHOOPS!  I forgot the date.. Stew just got home and said to me : "Happy Anniversary"!
We met each other today, 27 years ago!  He always remembers, and I always forget.  He likes that.

End of Day:  well a totally lazy day really.  All good with our wee puppys, thank goodness.
nite nite


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