After much thought I have taken a 'leave of absence' from the Hospice Shop.
Several reasons.

With puppies due any day now, I need to be here for at least the next two weeks to make sure Coco cares for them properly.

Then we have school holidays straight after that, which means I would have been 'away' from the Shop for the next month guaranteed.

Then I have other things on my mind... which could mean me having to travel out of Auckland at the drop of the hat... so I cannot guarantee I would be able to do my shift anyway.

So I rang 'The Boss' and very reluctantly quit.  She assured me that my 'job' would be there for me when I can go back.  That's so nice to know. 

I will miss my contact with all the regulars who come into our shop, and the ladies I work with (well... except for Mrs Smellpants!).

COCO:  today is day 56, last time she delivered on day 59.  So *squeals* it's gunna be SOON! I am a mixture of huge anticipation and being a bit scared!!  I hope she has no problems. 

 ABOVE:  If I'm busy, this is where I can find them 9 times out of 10.  I hope Coco doesn't think she's having her pups there on Steve's bed!

 ABOVE: I went out to find an exercise book to record the puppies daily weight gain.   I found this one and it's perfect!  We weigh the pups every day so we know how well they are doing.  It also means if we see one start to slow down in weight gain we can make sure it gets an extra feed during the day.

ABOVE:  The top of the page is for a photo of each puppy at birth, and on the second page will be a photo taken on the day they leave home.  Each puppy will have two pages.  I think this book is going to be a lovely 'keepsake'.

Because the vet's receptionist stuffed up our appointment yesterday, Coco is having her X-RAY today at 1pm.  Then I will find out how many she's got in there!  


So far today I have done some freakin housework, sewed some more and now I've got Teddy and Coco on me lap chillin.  I can feel the puppies moving on my lap, it's so cool! 

Yaaa... the X-Ray went well and after they had done it they called me into the room to see the images.  OMG so exciting. The Vets are going to email me a photo of the puppy's X-Ray tomorrow too.  Awesome.

YOU have exactly 8 hours and 44 minutes to guess how many pups, how many Boys/Girls ad what time of day the first one will be born!!!

Lacy and Keera are here for the afternoon too... so I've got backup if I need it with whelping pups.

ABOVE:  I reckon she can still get a bit bigger!
But not much!  The Vet said she was pretty much ready to have them pups !  It was so cute at the Vet's... there were two vets and two Vet Nurses in the exam room... and they all fussed over Coco ... anyone would have thought she was the Queen's Corgi!  lol

ABOVE:  seriously though, she is gorgeous!!!  She's tired though... that belly full has slowed her down something rotten!

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet at 9 weeks old.  She's so alert and a very happy wee baby.  Lacy is doing an awesome job of caring for her.

End of Day:  Very happy with how the day has gone... I felt really nervous about Coco's x-ray for some weird reason!  But she's fine and so are her babies.
nite nite.


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