I'm on The Champagne Diet: Who's With Me?

 About four years ago, a good friend and coworker at MTV encouraged me to switch from beer and mixed drinks to champagne as my drink of choice. Liron promised me that I'd feel sexier and healthier if I indulged in a 100 calorie flute of champagne as opposed to anything else. "Besides, what do you see all the models drinking?" she asked me in her thick, husky Israeli accent.

Fast forward three months later and I had dropped 27 pounds while following my "Champagne Diet" which consisted of a 1200-1400 calorie per day regimen of regular workouts, fresh vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and fresh fruit. And naturally, champagne. Liron became my drill sergeant and literally smacked cookies out of my mouth at work, reminding me of how hard I was working to be healthy. Her tough love approach was exactly what I needed to reclaim my body and my life. She became my coach, my cheerleader, and most importantly, my dear friend.

Along with the pounds, I also shed all other negativity in my life including an unhealthy relationship and a mind-numbing job. With a new figure, a new job (I landed a promotion at MTV), and a no-nonsense attitude toward dating, I launched this very blog to document my road to a healthier, happier life. The Champagne Diet has taken shape and truly become a lifestyle that includes celebrating yourself (flaws and all) and eating healthy, delicious food. It's not about deprivation (champagne is always on the menu, in moderation of course); it's about only accepting the best in your body and in your world. And who knows, maybe I will turn it into an official diet. Book 2, anyone? :)

It's been an exhilarating four years and I truly cannot believe how far this little blog has taken me. I just recently published my first book, inspired a "Champagne Diet" menu at POP bar in California, been featured in magazines around the globe, and most importantly, I've had the ability to connect with some of the most amazing women I've ever met. Life is not just good, it's great.

They say happiness makes you a little more, well, laid back when it comes to watching your weight, and let's just say I've been pretty damn happy lately. While I have been healthier than ever and still eating well, I have let my workouts slide and indulged in a little too many "splurge meals" lately. On a recent trip to the Hamptons with my mom, I found myself feeling down in the dumps over my body. I laid on our deck watching confident, sexy, healthy women frolic on the beach and it hit me: I am at my personal best right now. I've put back on a little more than half of those 27 pounds I lost a few years ago. I'm not overweight, but I know I can be better. I know I can be healthier. I did it once, and I can do it again! I am also a certified wellness coach now with a host of knowledge under my belt, so if that isn't a good enough reason, I don't know what is. So ladies, I am officially back on "The Champagne Diet" and I am encouraging all of you to join me!

Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting photos, tweets and motivational messages documenting my progress. And the best news? My "Champagne Sisters" Mella, Charlotte and Kiron from Bubbly Talk Radio are all joining me! We're on a mission to be our best and truly live the mantra: "Healthy is the new skinny." Stay tuned to the blog, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for all of the updates! Here we go!



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