I put Steve and Bex's baby name on the cot bumper last night... it looks so GOOD!  I am really proud of how it's coming along.

And NO... I can't show you.  They want their son's name to be announced once he's born.
Some things have to be a surprise... *smiles*

Not long now till Stew goes down to Christchurch to see his ailing Mother.  I hope he has a good flight, and no earthquakes while he's there!
***TOUCH WOOD*** there have been none for a while now!  I think that's right anyway?

Today:  well as I said, just looking after Miss Muppet, getting some sewing done, some housework etc.

Oh and I STILL have to wash that pram seat!  Procrastination.... yep... GUILTY!

Stew made a mince/pasta dish for dinner last night... and OMG did I suffer from heartburn for hours afterwards.  Wasn't nice, have not had much heartburn in a while now.  Usually it's bread that gives me heartburn.
I'll be gutted if I can't eat pasta!  I like it... I make a mean macaroni/bacon/cheese dish! 

OH I just remembered something that happened yesterday while we were at the Botany Mall.  We had just arrived and were heading to the Food Court when this little older lady walked up to us and said "Your hair is just beautiful" to me!  I was so chuffed!  Now I know how it feels to have a complete stranger compliment me.   

It is something I often do... when I see someone in a particularly nice outfit, or funky shoes, or they just looks lovely... I will tell them, it's a nice thing to do.  It was really nice to be on the receiving end for a change.

Right... off to do something productive...  AND sorry, no photos for the day yet!


I'm sitting in front of the fire, blanket on... reading blogs.  The weather was really  lovely early on this morning, but now it's crap again.  so cold!  Keera has been a bit unsettled this morning, but her Granddad managed to rock her back to sleep in his arms.  So cute.

WORD VERIFICATION!  OMG it is driving me nuts!  One comment I wanted to publish took 5 attempts cos of bloody WORD VERIFICATION.  If you have it... PLEASE consider getting rid of it and just have COMMENT MODERATION on ... you can then screen and get rid of troll/spam comments and just publish the 'good' ones.  Then your readers might be more inclined to leave you a comment!  WORD VERIFICATION SUCKS.

I forgot to take my pills last night. ONE day missed = hot flushes and no sleep.  Shall try VERY HARD not to forget them again that's for sure.

Stupid weather today, one minute raining, next sunshine and hot.  Pfffff.  Choosing to stay indoors and blog was a good idea.

CHRISTINE:  ahhh no, we don't see Steve in her at all!  She looks a lot like Griffin and Lacy... Griffin in colouring and Lacy in features. 


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