The Power of Fabulous Thinking and My Whirlwind Week!

Before I write anything, I want to first say this: THANK YOU. 

Thank you to all of the amazingly dedicated and loyal fans of this blog who have supported the release of my book, and my dream. I am blown away at this network of women we've created together and I would be nowhere if it weren't for all of you.

I have not been able to wipe this Kool-Aid smile off my face for days. My book is an Amazon bestseller! Saying that sounds so strange, yet so wonderful (and really, quite strange). I have to stop myself from approaching total strangers in the supermarket and squealing: "My book is a bestseller!" I came very close this morning. It's surreal!

I decided to write this book in 2008. I had just gone through a difficult time in my personal life and I was, in a nutshell, miserable. I had gotten out of a long-term relationship that was not good for me, I had put on a couple pounds and was eating as if every night was The Last Supper (Coors Light and twelve slices of pizza anyone!?) and I was stuck in a boring, mind-numbing job. In short, I was passionless.

I had to make a quick decision and figure out a way to turn it around. I was not going to be miserable. I was not going to be unhealthy. And I sure as hell wasn't going to be bored. I launched this blog a few months later as a diary of sorts; a way to document my road to happiness. I hoped that somehow, someway, it would touch another woman who was maybe going through the same thing. I wanted to turn my pain into inspiration. I wanted to let other women know it would be okay, and it was up to us to make it that way. It was a scary time for me, but it was also a time filled with hope and possibility. I had nowhere else to go but up, and boy, have I come up.

If you would have told me back in 2008 that this blog would inspire a book, and that book would become a bestseller that would become #1 in the Self-Help Happiness category on Amazon with no publisher or publicist behind it, I would have told you that you were nuts. But I am here! I did it! I am living proof that with passion and purpose, you can do anything you want. 

Every single thing is possible.

Hey, I just published you. And this is CRAZY.

I also want to talk about something I write about in SPARKLE. It's something I created called The Power of Fabulous Thinking. It's a spin on The Power of Positive Thinking (but it's a bit more glam than that, naturally!). Before this book came out, I wrote this note to myself in my phone. I had no idea how I'd pull it off, but I told the Universe (and myself) that my book would become a bestseller. I believed in myself, and I believed in all the women out there who have come to rally for me. I knew we could do it. And we did.

The Power of Fabulous Thinking in action!

I also had no idea SPARKLE would be released the day it was. I planned for an October 9th launch date, but Amazon (and The Universe) works in mysterious ways, so I'm pretty sure there was a bigger reason for this book to come out a month early. Part of the reason may have been the fact that I just so happened to have Happy Hour plans with my girlfriends on Thursday night (the day SPARKLE was released) -- plans that only took us two months to make due to everyone's hectic schedules. Clearly, The Universe wanted me to have my besties around to toast with! And toasting we did!

So here we are, three days after SPARKLE's shimmering, dazzling release into the world and I feel like it's only just the beginning. There is so much more out there to write about, talk about, and toast to. Thank you again to my beautiful, bubbly readers for appreciating and sharing in what I do.

I hope you enjoy the book and I look forward to reading your reviews!

Love, love, love,


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