Healthy Breakfast Oat Cookie Recipe

Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day (for various reasons!!) but it is also my most favourite - which is why I love to share healthy recipes which can be enjoyed even by the people who need a 'breakfast on the go'.

These healthy breakfast cookies can actually be enjoyed at any time of day and are super healthy as they are based around oats, fruit and nuts - no flour, butter or sugar in site!

I hope you enjoy this recipe video - I'm moving my blog to my own website soon where I plan on featuring the details of all of my recipes as well as the videos - but for now you can subscribe to my YouTube video [here] :)

Happy baking - let me know if you bake these.. you can swap the dried fruit and nuts for other types as well as the milk and flavours so really the variations are endless!

Nic x


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