I've been trying to get in the zone to write an upbeat, "bubbly" post, but as I always say, ya can't fake the funk.
The past few days have been nothing short of shocking, depressing, and well, depressing. I could not possibly be more grateful that my home and my neighborhood was completely unscathed by Hurricane Sandy, but I know others were not so lucky and my heart truly goes out to them. I can't even imagine how they are coping.
As a New Yorker, I think I will forever relate any disaster to 9/11. The way this city was torn down, and the way we all came together to rebuild. The way strangers were extra nice to you, and the way people genuinely wanted to do everything in their power to help each other. New Yorkers are tough, there's no debate there. It's what gives us our edge, as my mom says. But when the shit hits the fan, that tough exterior melts away and we will throw down for you.
I can't believe that as I look out my window, life looks completely normal. Yesterday we got a shot of sunlight through the clouds and took a walk to see our local Italian pastry shop open and serving their infamous cappuccinos. I never felt more comforted by a little ritual like that. It's the little things amidst the big things that provide feelings of normalcy that we so often take for granted.
But I can't help thinking - why am I okay? Why are other people dealing with such devastation and unfathomable loss? Why did I get spared? I know those thoughts are normal and I know I need to focus that energy in being thankful and helping those who are suffering, and that's exactly what I plan to do. We're going to donate some clothes today and try to look for opportunities to volunteer around our neighborhood.
I don't know where I'm going with this post. I just had to get it out. I have no idea where things stand, no idea when I can go back to work, half our city is underwater and things are far from normal past the clouds outside my little window, but I do know this: I have never, ever been prouder to be a New Yorker. We will get through this. We always do.
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