Foodie Penpals November - Reveal!

Another month, another foodie penpal - and this time I was very impressed! You can check out my previous October reveal [here] and my September reveal [here] - check out the September post for details on how exactly Foodie Penpals works and how you can join in too. Read on to see what arrived in the post for me this month..!

Check out the cute packaging!

So.. this is what I got.. a great selection of healthy savoury and sweet treats to both bake with and snack on.. perfect! Here's a break down of what's what if you fancy buying any too!

1) Dorest Cereals Porridge

I am a big fan of both breakfast, and dorest cereals. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and you can read why in my benefits of breakfast blog post. The porridge comes in the form of 10 x 42g sachets and is perfect for those who want a quick and healthy breakfast - the oats are already weighed out for you, you can measure the amount of milk needed in the same packet that the oats were in and they take just 3 minutes to cook. I love oats as they have a low glycaemic index (release their energy slowly), are packed with soluble fibre and help to lower cholesterol. Check out my recipes page for lots of recipes using oats - I really can't get enough of them! If you're interested, I serve my porridge with 1/2 a chopped banana and cinnamon or pumpkin spice (recipe to come!), and each sachet with 150ml of semi-skimmed milk provides 223 kcal (I used skimmed milk though).

2) Soya Nutz

These are delicious. Soya nutz are roasted (and salted) soya beans and are packed with healthy fats for heart and skin health, protein and folate. Soya beans are a 'complete' protein which means that they provide our bodies with all 9 essential amino acids - the building blocks of life! In comparison to nuts they provide slightly less calories and more protein although they must still be consumed in moderation.. there's 100 kcal per 25g portion! If you want to find out more about protein then you can check out my protein videos on my YouTube channel.

3) 4 in 1 Pasta & Pizza Seasoning Mix
This is such an amazing invention! If you want calorie free flavouring then this is for you. The container has 4 separate sections each containing a fabulous mix of herbs and spices.. there's sun dried tomato and garlic, Italian herbs, lemon pepper and mama mia (with red bell peppers!). Don't let the names fool you though.. the main ingredient in all of the sections in sea salt.. so you may want to moderate how much of the herbs you add if you're watching your salt intake (e.g. if you have high blood pressure).
4) Choco-Stick Milk
I cannot wait to try this.. I'm going to save it for a Christmas treat in front of the fire! If you're wondering what it is then basically it's a block of chocolate on a stick which you stir into hot milk.. creating a delicious (or so I hope) hot chocolate drink. I can't find the calories of this product anywhere though - so please let me know if you know!
5) Bruschetta
This little 50g pack of bruschetta is the perfect snack and could easily replace a bag of crisps. Bruschetta, for those of you who don't know, is bread with olive oil and tomatoes. At 245kcal per bag though you may wish to share it!
I really was so impressed with this month's foodie penpal package and want to say a huge thank you to Claire for it! - she knows my tastes so well!
- Oh and just in case you're wondering, here is what I sent to my foodie penpal: Green tea with lemon, manuka honey, nakd raisins, earl grey tea, 9bar, pumpkin seed and cranberry bar and a dorset cereals breakfast pot.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Nic x


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