First up today, Bex has her midwife appointment... so I will be taking her as Steve is using her car to get to and from work now.
I don't mind of course.

After we have been to see Debs we are going to pop over the harbour bridge and check out a shop in Wairau Park... it's a craft shop.  I would like to get a few coloured pencils or inks ?  to colour in the darling wee pictures Tracy sent me.

Yaaaa!!! COLOURING IN... something I have always loved doing... must hark back to when one was a child I suppose!  lol

Wanna see some photos???

Yeah... I just know ya do... it wouldn't be my blog without a photo or two eh?   

First up, would you believe I got ANOTHER parcel ???  I am starting to think I am SUPER DUPER SPOILT ROTTEN!!!  I wonder what I have done to deserve so many gifts? 

 ABOVE:  this one is from a lovely friend of mine named Donna... she lives here in Auckland.  She sent us...

ABOVE:  some darling wee baby clothes for Steve and Bex's Baby Boy!  Bex said to say "Thank you so much Donna"... they are just so cute.

 ABOVE:  She sent the gift along with this super cute wee Froggy card!   *smiles*

 ABOVE:  OH... and she sent something for me too... this adorable ... OMG I love it ...  Brass Frog!  He is going to be my paper weight on my computer desk... cos he ROCKS.  THANK YOU  so, so much Donna. You made our day.  XOXOXOX

NOW... must be time for some BELLY SHOTS!

 ABOVE:  Bex last night... before she stripped off and had a spa with Steve...
Yeah... ya must know what's coming next eh?  hee hee....

ABOVE:  The BIKINI SHOT!  lol... she was a little MODEST... and covered up the bottom half.  *smiles*  She looks adorable.  Gotta LOVE the BLUE bikini.  She has good taste... if I do say so!

ABOVE:  we had a Wood Pigeon visiting our neighbour's tree ... isn't he/she stunning?

ABOVE:  we are so, so lucky to live in an area of Auckland that has an enormous native park on it's doorstep.  We often get Wood Pigeons, Fantails, Moreporks, Tui, and many other small native birds in our garden.  It's really lovely to hear them all.  Even better to see them.

Right .. for now... here's the last photo:

ABOVE:  last night.  ALL three dogs standing at the top of the stairs waiting for Dad to come home.  Aww... it was rather sad, cos Stew didn't come home last night!  He is due home tonight.  Yaaaa.
Puppy was only standing there because Coco and Teddy were of course.  He's a little live wire is that Phantom.

AND... I have to say it.. he is VERY CLEVER.  He already goes outside (with some prompting) as soon as he wakes up and goes 'Toilet'... he knows 'Bed' means get in the crate for bedtime... sometimes he does, and sometimes he makes me run around the lounge trying to catch him! 

He is so clever.  He knows he can run behind the couches and chairs, and he plays peek-a-boo with me!  I start to get near him and he scampers off in the other direction.  SO CUTE.
I am training him to stay out of the kitchen too.  Sometimes it even works.
Little puppies under foot in the kitchen.. yeah not safe, not for him and certainly not for me.

Hopefully his new family will keep up my good work!  I'm sure they will... I am starting to feel sad that he is leaving us in just over a week!  But... we really can't have a little puppy in the house over these coming holidays... our house is going to be FULL of family... and in the New Year... there will be ONE MORE added to the mix ... we are all eagerly awaiting this little baby boy! 
I, of course, am going to be in 7th heaven.  So many grandkids/babies to smother in loves. 


Bex and I went out at 9.30am, and I had only one thing on my list to get... Copic Markers.  We went over to Wairau Park to find the Craft Shop I was going to had moved and REALLY, REALLY downsized... so I was quite disappointed, but did mangage to find a few bits 'n' bobs, so did Bex.

We then headed back to Manuaku to the Spotlight there.  BAD MOVE.

They were closing down their store and moving across the road to a bigger shop... so the shop was almost empty!  There were staff frantically packing up all the stock left in the store.
I found a couple of things suitable for Christmas presents.
THEN we went to Warehouse Stationary, and they didn't have Copic Markers either... grrrr.

I think I will be shopping on the 'net for them now.

Right... a couple of photos of our purchases:

 ABOVE: what I bought... and:

ABOVE: what Bex bought. 
We will probably go down to the garage tonight and make a few cards... Bex wants to send a homemade one to her Grandmother this year.

Debs the midwife is happy with Bex's progress, baby is measuring just a bit above average, but nothing to worry about.  Bex also has some fluid retention going on... but again... nothing to worry about right now. She just has to keep an eye on it, and report to Deb if she gets headaches, sees stars or feels faint.  Usual stuff.  Well for me.  Not for her, being as it's her first baby.  *smiles*

LOUISE: thanks for the link, I will check it out later tonight.
MARY H:  very funny!  *smiles*

End of Day:  time to wind down... got a busy weekend coming up... got to get this house sorted out and bedrooms set up for Russell, Tess and their kids... who arrive next week! 
Think I might just go downstairs for a little while and 'muck around'.  *smiles*
nite nite


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