No Bake Pumpkin Bites!

Ok, I have a confession. This recipe was created by accident!! I set out with every intention to create some lovely pumpkin granola (recipe for that one still to come), however added WAY too much pumpkin and ended up with these.. super yummy no bake bites!

These bites are crammed with fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and are a great low GI energy snack (they release their energy slowwwwlllyy). They are a perfect snack to be kept in the fridge for post workout or after work munchies (or any kinda of munchies for that matter). You can also freeze them.

They are super quick to make, are really easy to put together and can be customised to your individual tastes.. do no bake bites get any better?! Following on from my pumpkin muffin recipe post I think I'll be posting a few more recipes using pumpkin.. it wasn't a cupboard staple for me but since discovering it in Waitrose a few weeks ago I really am hooked! If you haven't tried canned pumpkin then I strongly urge you to - it's super healthy, tastes amazing and can be turned into so many great recipes (it's also super low in calories.. only 40kcal per 100g!).

SO.. what do you need to make these delicious bites?! - This recipe makes 13 bites.. I did make a double batch to begin with (25-30 bites) but thought that half the mix makes ample!

65g (1 cup) of rolled oats, 55g (1/4 cup) of pumpkin, 1/4 tablespoon of vegetable oil,
30ml (1/8th cup) of agave nectar (or honey),
25g (heaped 1/4 cup) nuts/seeds/dried fruit - I used walnuts, cranberries & sultanas,
1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg, pinch salt (if desired!)

And here's what to do..

1) Mix together the pumpkin, oil, agave nectar, cinnamon & nutmeg...

2) Mix in the oats and then fold in your dried fruit/nuts/seeds (or chocolate chips!)

3) Scoop out a heaped teaspoon of the mixture and roll into balls (use clean hands for this!). I then placed them on to grease-proof paper on a plate.

4) Pop in the fridge for at least 30 minutes... then enjoy!!


Nutritional Info Per Bite: 35 kcal, 7g carbs, 1g fat, 1g protein
Nutritional Benefits: High in soluble fibre, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals & antioxidants!
Have a great week.. and happy 'baking'!
Nic x


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