I had a little play with my new computer last night... there is so much to learn!
Even editing my pictures is done with a different programme... a MUCH BETTER programme too I might add.

Here is my new computer desk and computer area:

ABOVE:  I am thrilled with my new computer area. 

ABOVE:  View from the far end of the lounge. I can't see much of the tv from my new 'area'... but most evenings I only listen to it anyway. 

The new computer I bought is a Hewlett Packard All-In-One.... it was on SALE at Harvey Norman over the weekend... I got several hundred dollars off... so I'm very happy.
Now I can smash my laptop!

Nah... it will serve as a 'back up' if I ever have problems with this new one.  But that better not happen!  I don't think I would react very well if I got computer problems with this new one!

Apart from mucking around on the computer and doing some blog reading catch-up... I am looking forward to Bex arriving this afternoon.  It's rather nice having another grown up girl in the house.  And she does the washing sometimes!  lol

ABOVE:  I took this photo late last night with the webcam... those are my new 'everyday' glasses.  The picture is not the best... something else I will have to work out how to do better on this computer. 

So... what's the verdict on me new glasses?


WANNA BE: if you are blogging again ... send me the link OK?

Just thought of something else I am going to do today... bath Phantom.  All of him.  And hopefully he will smell rather pleasant after that.  Right now he stinks.  Of DOG.  Happens when you have 6 pups together in a pen with pee and poop all over the place.  It happens.  I did clean the pen EVERY DAY... but I can't do much about it during the night... so they end up smelling.
I wonder if anyone else has given their puppy a bath yet?

I think if you asked the kids what sort of mood I'm in right now.. it would be CRABBY.
It doesn't matter how many times I show Griffin how to make his bed PROPERLY... every morning I walk past his room and see RED.  So, today... he ain't going to school until he's done it properly.
He knows how to do it, he's just lazy... so oops, I screamed at him.
And I do 'scream' really, really well.  Just. Ask. Griffin.  (yeah, and everyone else in this house!)

I have a short fuse when it comes to people being LAZY in my house.

KELLY H:  depends on the age of the kid.  If she's still little I would 'chat' to her (IF she was mine), but if she was a big kid (like 10+)  I would tell her it's her bed, and she should make it.  If she doesn't... I would throw all the bedding out the window when she's at school.  Then sit back and watch when she got home!

EDIT:  Steve's room.  I can't force him to keep his room tidy... he is too old for any of my screaming tactics to work.  So... I have decided his room is not MY PROBLEM.  And I close the door.  Sometimes you just have to give in.  BADLY.

IF I'm lucky I will get to do some blog reading late this afternoon!  The housework...OMG... I don't see it on the weekends... but come MONDAY!  Oh yeah... freaking heaps to do.

I need to set up a roster I think.  So all the bigger jobs like cleaning bathrooms is done during the week by someone OTHER than me... so we can still enjoy our weekends.

SPELLING TROLL:  piss off and anoy someone else... or I will come over there and nick ya baby.  lol

TRACY:  well now... that's a novel idea!  It may be worth investigating even.  Thanks. 

ABOVE: Me.... in me 'reading/computer glasses.  I'm still struggling to get all the housework done... in between other stuff.

I know... I'm vain... but seriously, the only nice part of me is from the neck up!   ha ha ha!

MARY H:  which chair???  Hmmm... already thought of that, but the desk does not fit in the corner unless I move the shelving unit... and there is virtually NOWHERE in this house to put it but where it is.
And... I like where my desk is right now.. I can see what is going on in the lounge, in the kitchen/family room AND outside!  Perfect.  I know it's not exactly the most ideal place for it aesthetically, but you should not worry about what it looks like if it works for YOU.  And it does work for me.

HAPPY ELF MOM:  lol... the 'TROLL' was my daughter Lacy!  I was joking when I called her a troll. 

KAREN:  your wee girl is ONLY 6!  I was still making my kids beds when they were 6 years old, so if she is already doing it she is a good wee girl! Bet it is another story when she is 13 ... lol.

TRACY: Awwww... so glad you managed to bath Molly and she didn't get too upset... it does take them a few baths before they cope better with them.  The trick is to make sure they keep warm. Well done Chick.

STEVE is an adorable son absolute arse.  Just. Saying.

End of Day:  I finally got to do a little blog reading tonight.  Might get a chance to do more tomorrow night... as tomorrow I plan on being out and about.  Got a few things to attend to.
nite nite.


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