Today:  I'm off to the Lawyers to sign my Affidavit, in readiness for the Court hearing on Thursday.  I'm catching the train in today... trying to find parking in town is a nightmare... and one I have no intention of having!

Bex moves in permanently today.   She has her next midwife appointment tomorrow.  She may need a growth scan soon as baby boy is on the larger size.  She is shitting herself thinking about that!  hee hee... I'm sure baby boy will not be as big as his Daddy ... Steve was 10 pound 12 ounces!

I  heard from the people I bought the chair off last night.  We can pick it up tonight.  Silly but I am really looking forward to it.  I know it's just a chair, but I love it.

TEDDY:  he's had a cone on his head for what?  A couple of weeks at least.  His rump had healed completely so I took it off him last night so I could test how he would go without it on.  He's his own worst enemy usually.

ABOVE: yep... he only lasted about 10 minutes and he was back to gnawing himself.  *sigh*  The cone is back on... and it will just have to stay on until he can be trusted to STOP chewing himself till he bleeds.  I am really frustrated.  
While he's in an 'allergic' phase he really stinks.  I have bathed  him, but within a few hours he stinks again. SO ANNOYING.

It can't be fun being itchy all the time and having to live in a bloody cone.  I totally blame the breeder for his allergies.  These things happen with too close familial breeding... and she was a dreadful breeder who used and abused her dogs.  (if only I had known this before getting a dog off her)

A friend of mine got one of her dogs a couple of years ago... a little girl who had failed to fall pregnant, so they sold her off to the highest bidder. That little dog was PETRIFIED of men, and was underweight and uncared for.  Puppy Mills!  They should be outlawed. 

At least I know that while I am breeding from Coco, I am also keeping her best interests at heart and taking extra good care of her.  She will be having probably one more litter then she can 'retire' from motherhood. 

Right, enough chatter... better get a move on and make the lunches etc...



APPROPRIATE ... in so many situations. 

Off to the Lawyers soon... I was supposed to be taking a friend of Lacy's with me, she was going to sign an affidavit too... but she pulled out.  I'm really cross about that.  This is about KEERA and her future, and you couldn't even be bothered to come and sign a piece of paper? 

Train trip into town was uneventful.  Nice to be moving but not having to drive or find a darn carpark!  Lawyer's visit went well too.  Now we await the court hearing.  Thursday. 

SOUTHGIRL: You are a pain in the butt!  I rang them and am now waiting for a call back with an appointment time.  Pffffff... as IF I would put it off or forget.  Ha!  I laugh at the very idea!  ♪♪ lah lah la la ♪♪....

ANON: thanks for the suggestions... I will follow up on those shampoos.  We use a sensitive dog shampoo right now, but clearly it's not having an affect on his skin.  I have medications from the Vets too, but I really don't want to put him back on steroids as continuous use can shorten his life.

The Dr said me bloods and piddle were JUST FINE now.  Yaaa ... GO ME.  I am going to TRY and drink some water... particularly as it's getting rather hot here now. Water. *sigh*

I might even give some serious thought to upping my fitness... cos seriously, it can't get much worse than it is right now!
The metformin has curbed my appetite ... which is weird, but I'll take it.  I stood on the scales the other day... and I had gained 6 kilos IN A WEEK!!!!
Fluid retention.  Can't take me pills ... dammit.  Anyone got any homeopathic ideas to throw at me? AND DON'T SAY any sort of TEA... fuck I hate tea even more than WATER!

End of Day: I have my lovely computer chair at last.  I first saw it 4 weeks ago... and now it's mine.  And soooo comfortable... and good looking. Shame my butt is covering it.  lol
nite nite


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