A Sparkling Holiday Gift Idea!

The holidays are upon us and it's time to start thinking about what to give to those we love the most. I don't know about you, but struggle SO hard with this. Does my mom really want another perfume she'll never wear? Does my best friend really need a mani/pedi gift certificate? (she goes for these once a week, it's hardly unique).

Why not gift someone with a game-changer?

Let's be honest: do the women in your life really give to themselves? Do they put themselves first? Do they invest in their happiness and well-being? I can almost bet the answer is no for every single one of you who is reading this.

Why not give them the inspirational boost they need and give them the gift of coaching?

I will work with your lady of choice as her shimmery, glittery partner in crime and help her identify what she wants in her life. I'll help her identify what's not working, and get clear on what she needs to eliminate to get what she wants. I'll help her become the confident, beautiful, dazzling woman she is deep down and help her find the courage and strength to go after every single thing she wants.

Gifts Available:

{The Sparkle Sessions} - one month of private one on one coaching. Includes four 45 minute calls + a ton of other yummy goodies

{A Dose of Sparkle} - one 60 minute coaching call

Or, treat yourself of these lovely sessions! You deserve it. Okay, you more than deserve it.

Sound fabulous? I thought so too! Want to learn some more? Visit Live Create Sparkle to understand more about what I do.

If this all sounds lovely, shoot me an email at Info@LiveCreateSparkle.com for more information and let's design the perfect holiday gift for the woman you love most.

Sparklingly yours,


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