I  AM !
I have been spoilt rotten this week... so many lovely emails, text's and phone calls... AND... yesterday I got another parcel in the post!
Little Molly's new 'Mum' sent me some card making things... after I told her I did a bit of card making.  She (Tracy) makes the most AMAZING cards... and is in a design team who come up with new ideas for cards and the like.
Anyway... I was EXPECTING a few stamped characters to paint and put on cards... this is what I recieved:

 ABOVE:  OMG would you just look at all this stuff?  I am gobsmacked!  

ABOVE:  I have not used many of these materials before.. but now I'm itching to give it a go!  

ABOVE:  a gorgeous card from Bailee, Tracy's 10 year old daughter.  In it she thanks me for letting her be Molly's Mum.  Awwwww ♥♥♥  what a little sweetie.

GLENYS:  I forgot to tell you the other day... did you know that I did not have a star for the top of my Christmas tree?  Cos the one you sent me is going to look PERFECT on top of my tree this year!  *smiles*  
Court.  Bex is staying home and caring for Keera while Lacy and I are in court.  It is likely to be a long day.  The allocated time for the hearing is 3 hours. I hope things get settled in that time.
NERVOUS.  I have very little trust in the New Zealand Courts... Family Court?  Even Less. 

WELL, very impressed with the LAWYERS and the PARTICIPANTS in today's hearing.
Instead of thrashing it out in front of a Judge, where it could have go really nasty ... our Lawyers did HEAPS of to'ing and fro'ing between us and Wade and we agreed on all issues and it got signed off by the Judge.

The Protection Order in respect of Lacy and Keera stays in place, and she keeps Day to Day custody and care of Keera.

His access is settled, with reviews in place for a few months down the track.

We will now take baby to meet with him at Sylvia Park every 2nd Saturday for an hour, and on the other Saturday I will drive baby to his SISTER'S home, and Keera will be there for 4 hours... with ME being present until such time as I am confident that Keera's health and safety are assured. 

Then FURTHER down the track Keera's visits to his sister's home will be supervised by his Sister.  So Keera will be her responsibility.  But that is not going to happen until we are 100% sure she will be cared for in the same manner as we care for her.

This saturday he did not want to see Keera, as he wanted to let his family know of the access conditions.  Hopefully that goes well.

I have no intention of going to his family home and being 'hostile'... it is so if Keera gets upset I can settle her down (hopefully!).  Keera is a stroppy wee baby when she gets going!  Takes after her parents of course!  lol

I am just so relieved it did go so well.. I lost so much sleep over this! 

NOW I am starving!  Off to find food...

WHOOPS!  I had no idea I hadn't been on here all afternoon!  Sheesh.  Naughty me.  I think I just needed time to digest what happended this morning, and realise that for goodness knows how long, our Saturdays will revolve around taking Keera to access visits with her father.  
Luckily we know that the the baby's needs come first...  but sometimes I wonder if we will EVER be able to put us first?

I'm not complaining, far from it.  Just saying how it is.  ONE DAY my kids are gunna have to look after US... so swings and roundabouts eh?
They better look after us REALLY, REALLY WELL is all I can say!

End of Day: I made everyone a cheese/bacon/tomatoe and onion omelette each for dinner... OMG they were lovely!  Filling too.
Stew is away tonight, he's at a business meeting ... already missing him.
nite nite


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