And so did Bex.  We only made one each, but it was so much fun... we both used a stamp as our starting point... different for me as I have always used fabric as my starting point.

Anyway... here's what we accomplished:

 ABOVE:  this is the one Bex made, I really like it as she didn't overdo it..... unlike me:

 ABOVE:  yep... far too much on it me thinks! 

 ABOVE: I am happy about how I painted the little girl though... I didn't have any of the marker pens I was looking for, so I used special water colour pencils instead.  Not too shabby?

 ABOVE: Phantom checking out Keera yesterday.

 ABOVE:  Steve 'teaching' Rena how to tie her laces... but in fact he was just showing her how to do knots!  She's just a wee bit young to be tying her own laces.

ABOVE: Hi Fives... and well done.  lol

 ABOVE: it was lovely having a full house... it's going to be even fuller in a few days!

ABOVE: Rena and Teddy.  Notice he's not wearing his cone?   We took it off to clean his ears... well Lacy cleaned his ears.   He was stinking something shocking and I had no idea why.... now we know.  His ears had gotten all ikky from having to wear the cone... his ears were rank man!

Lacy (bless her heart) took on the job of getting his ears sorted out.  Luckily I had a big tube of Anti-Septic / Anti-Bacterial / Local Anesthetic ointment ... perfect to clear up his obvious ear infections.  Oh and I had Dog Antibiotic pills too... so he's on them too.

TODAY:  well we got Griffin's room sorted out yesterday... so it's ready for Russell/Tess and Bodhi to use.
Now I have to sort out Brylee's room... then I think we will be set.


I took the advice of someone who left me a comment a while ago,  and I have hired a Housekeeper.  She starts on Monday.  I will elaborate on that tomorrow.

I felt a bit tired at 9.30am, so went and lay down on my bed... and bugger me!  I fell asleep and just woke up... at 1.30pm!  Have no idea why I was that tired...

I have spent a lot of the afternoon looking at different card styles... mine just look a bit amateurish now!  Getting ideas from lots of sites.  I want to find a few card making classes too ... Bex and I want to learn different techniques that can be used in card making.   It's a art if you do it 'right'.  And time consuming. And no doubt expensive!  *sigh*

Lacy, Kelly and their girls visited again this afternoon.  Not for long though as I am really tired.  I took me 'night night' pills at 8am this morning... cos I forgot them last night.  BAD MOVE... that is why I went to sleep for 4 hours this morning!  Dumb Tart!

End of Day:  it's been a nice day ... did bugger all and that's OK.  No one is exactly my 'boss' afterall!  I do sometimes feel I should be doing more... but why?  Who cares if my floors are not vacumed?  Opps, usually I DO!  Again, I'm a Dumb Tart.
nite nite


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