There's only two more school days for Brylee and Griffin after today... and I am really looking forward to a break from making school lunches, school activites, bla bla bla.... bring on next Tuesday I say.

I must be mad... I used to hate school holidays!  But these holidays Brylee and Griffin have Haylea and Joshua to play with... they all seem to get along great.  Joshua is Russell's son, who lives here in New Zealand with his Mum (and 4 other siblings who are not Russell's children).

I got a few lovely photos of Tess and Bodhi last night, and some of Russ too:

ABOVE:  Tess... so happy to be with her baby boy again...

ABOVE:  A mother's love....
ABOVE:  Mum, Dad and Bodhi... look at Tess's face, it says it all.

The next two photos take some explaining.  Russ bought Sienna a baby doll that talks when you kiss it, or pat it etc... and he wanted to try it out before giving it to Sienna tomorrow....

ABOVE: After activating the 'talking' mechanism he had to re-dress his dolly...

ABOVE:  Now I'm left wondering who is going to love dat doll more, Russ or Sienna!  lol... nah, just joking.  He was hamming it up for me.  Funnily enough, he KNOWS these photos will be on me blog today and he doesn't care.  I think all me kids enjoy being 'blog fodder'!

ABOVE:  The two expectant parents to be... it's a crab quality photo for some reason, but I loved the look on Steve's face.  He was looking at Bodhi and talking to him... my son loves his baby nieces and nephews.... he's so good with them. 

We are so, so lucky that Brylee, Joshua, Griffin, Haylea, Rena, Sienna, Keera and Bodhi are all going to be here for this Christmas. 

The ICING ON THE CAKE would be for Bex to spit Baby Foe out just BEFORE Christmas, then he would be here too!  Somehow... I'm thinking that won't happen though.  She hasn't even 'dropped' yet.  The only consolation?  He WILL be here before too long... and he is going to be spoilt rotten... of course!  I adore me grandbabies.


BLOODY KIDS!  Griffin and Joshua are sleeping in the garage, and Brylee and Haylea are in Bry's room... this morning I get up and find all four kids in the garage making a racket.  Grrrrr.

Typical I suppose, but I had hoped to get a bit of a sleep in! 


Guess the exact weight of Baby Foe and win a 'Mystery Prize'.  This Competiton will be open until Foe arrives.  In the event that more than one person guesses the right weight, I will give all winners a prize.  I'm not doing 'Day/Time' cos it gets a bit complicated... and I can't be arsed.

PINKY:  My son Russell weighed 7lb 11oz too!

GUESS where I went this morning? ...

ABOVE:  YEP... Baby Foe is going to be born either today or tomorrow!   He WILL be here for Christmas... how freakin awesome is THAT!!!!

ABOVE:  waiting to be put on the baby monitor...

ABOVE:  all is good.  Waters broke at 6.15am today... and according to Debs (Midwife) her proper contractions could start anytime today... but if they don't Bex will be induced tomorrow morning.  At the moment she is just having vigorous tummy tightening... that do hurt but not too bad yet.

This is why the 'Competition' is only for Foe's weight... *smiles*

Bassinette Sheets!   I have been putting off sewing them up for MONTHS... kept thinking I had plenty of time.
JUST last night I told Bex I would get them done in the next few days.
Now Steve and Bex are giving me a really hard time ... so I better just get down into the garage and SEW them eh?

ABOVE:  right, there we are... two made in a couple of hours.  The one on the right is on the mattress already in this photo.  I made them like pillow cases so they fit perfectly and won't bunch up.

From what I can tell Bex is still in early pre-OMG-THAT HURTS labour!  Might be taking her out for a little gentle walk later on to get 'things' moving...

How typical.  Bex is feeling hardly any pain now.   Grrrrr.... looks like it might be Plan B.. an induction tomorrow morning the rate she's going!  But this happened to Lacy with Keera only 5 months ago.. and I got woken up in the middle of the night cos she was truly in labour.  I hope the same thing happens with Bex.

End of Day:  and NOPE, no Baby Foe yet.  Bex has been for 3 good walks around the neighbourhood... rocked and bounced her butt on a big Swiss Ball... and still no real OMG Contractions.  I've told her to go to bed ... and I am kinda expecting her to wake me up in the middle of the night in full on labour.  I mean... what's a good night's sleep anyway?
nite nite


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