Last night before dinner we got a visitor from way up North.
It was a lady who is a contributor on another blog I'm a member of.  Sew It Finished... is a group of sewers who support each other in our endeavours to get all our UFO's Finished.


UFO's are Unfinished Objects... like I have about 20 items on the go right now.... like a couple of quilts, some bags, some aprons, some... YEAH... you get the drift?  lol  I haven't been able to get much finished this year yet thanks to the flood, and all me fabrics going into storage.

Anyway.. I digress yet again.  I took some photos of Monika while she was here dropping off a huge bag of nappies for Bex and Dante!
What a lovely lady eh?  *smiles*

She was a VERY lucky lady, one because Dante woke up, and two... Steve gave the baby to her for a cuddle.  This baby has almost never been held by anyone other than family, so Monika was lucky:

 ABOVE:  I would love some 'CAPTION' ideas for this photo!  lol  (sorry Monika!)

ABOVE (2):  Dante was in a very cuddly mood, which was lovely.
He even fell asleep in my arms later on too... so cute.

Kids to school, then Bex and I are off to the Dr's with Dante. He is due for his 6 weeks Immunisation.   I think Bex is dreading it... and anticipating having a very upset baby later on.  Me, I prefer to look on the optimist side and say he will be just fine.

When you anticipate problems, you are too quick to see them.

Well... that's how I look at some things... maybe not all...but some. Especially when it comes to babies.   NONE of mine had teething problems or reactions or grizzly periods after immunisations... maybe I was just lucky?  Or... maybe I just got on with it and wasn't looking for trouble.  

ANYWAY... moving on.   Later on this afternoon... and shit I can't remember the time (must ask while we are there this morning), it is my turn to go to the Dr's.  I am seeing the Diabetes Nurse... Diveka.  She's lovely.  I will find out what me blood test revealed.  I'm not expecting any change.  I have Type 2 Diabetes and I'm not managing it that well.
Oh ya.  But... let's see what Diveka says.


It's been one of those days.  Hardly home at all.
Dante screamed holy blue murder when he got his injections... one in each leg.  Poor Bex bawled too.  But he's all good now.

After coming home, we had lunch, then I went and bought the kids stationery.  $98 gone in a blink.  I also paid all the school fees EXCEPT the 'DONATION'. That one has to wait. 
So far today I've spent just under $300 on school things.

AFTER that I went for my diabetes check up.
Everything was up.  Blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol... so I've got even more damn pills to take now.  *sigh*
Like I'm going to REMEMBER to take them... yeah right!  I'm a shocker at remembering bloody pills and when to take them.

Good news just now:  We will know by Thursday who is doing the repair job on our floor/walls etc, and more importantly, WHEN.  Here's hoping it's not too long till it's done and we can move on.  I've got some changes I want to make here, and I can't do them until the work is done.

MRS C:  'donations' are not COMPULSORY... but the wording is such that you are left in no doubt that you MUST PAY.  And in some schools if you don't pay the 'donation' your child is excluded from anything extra curricular... so no inclusion in sports teams, clubs, etc.  I don't think our school does that though.

End of Day:  well it's been a quiet evening, which I'm thankful for.  I'm really tired today... feeling a bit down.  I don't sleep well most nights at the moment.  Too hot.  Too much on the brain, just a few worries... nothing out of the usual for me I suppose.
Just wish once in a while everything was just smooth sailing, with some happiness thrown in for the hell of it... instead of the complete opposite.
nite nite.


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