Lean, Green, Vegan Machine

Hello, gorgeous

As a coach, I know how important accountability is. Which is why I'm choosing to blog about my journey into plant-based, vegan eating. If you read this blog (or have ever seen my ass), then you know I love food. Particularly mouth-watering aged cheeses, big, crusty loaves of bread, and anything involving olive oil -- lots of it. I like to think I'm very health-conscious, as compared to the average Jo(sephine), but there are definitely areas for improvement within my diet.

And as you know, The Champagne Diet is all about putting the best in your body and your world. I've decided I am done skimping on my definition of "the best." After doing my own personal research  I am eliminating most (I say most because I am definitely not perfect) animal products from my diet. That means: no dairy, no meat, no animal hidden products that are surprisingly in so many foods. I already avoid processed foods but I'm taking it to a whole new level now and really dedicating myself to preparing my meals, and if I can't prepare them, eating out at only trusted sources that use top-quality ingredients and identify themselves as vegan. If I can't find a vegan restaurant, then I will do my best to choose the best option from the menu and ask the chef to eliminate the use of butter, etc. Luckily I love veggies, so I'm not anticipating this to be that hard. But God I will miss my cheese.

Will I go this far? Time will tell. But I ain't mad at Dom P

Before I go on, I want you to know this is a very personal choice. I'm not preaching; that's not my style. I'm using this space to declare a very intimate decision I've made for my own body; my own personal health. I'm in no way saying "this is the best!" or condemning people who like a good steak every now and then. That's all you. This is all me.

I've eaten this way before and the effects were amazing. I had more energy, my skin glowed, and I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks. I stopped because simply put: I got lazy. It takes work to be this conscious but I'm ready. And as much as this isn't for weight-loss, it doesn't hurt to shake off those extra pounds. I could stand to lose a few inches here or there, and if I can get there in a healthy, nutritious way, then I am bout it bout it.

So buckle up, ladies! I am going to be posting about my experiences, my feelings, the whole shebang. I'll post food photos (because I am a total food stalker), recipes, blog finds, etc. If you're not into it, no sweat -- just fast forward through to my other posts. I promise my feelings won't be hurt.

And for those who do eat this way, I'd love to share recipes and tips with you! Feel free to use the comments box below or hop on over to Facebook or Twitter to chat.



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