Chia Chocolate Pudding - 100% Healthy!!

I first blogged about the amazing chia seed in my 'over night oats' blog post for deskfest (breakfast at your desk).. and had some left over to experiment with.. this led me to making this delicious dessert. It was a twitter follower who first told me about this recipe and as soon as I saw the words 'chocolate' and 'pudding' I couldn't wait to get started!

This chocolate pudding is packed with 100% healthy ingredients and is super quick and simple to make. If you want to make your own Chia Chocolate Pudding then here is what you will need (serves 2-3):

300ml of almond milk (rice milk also works)
45-50g chia seeds
2 tbsp cocoa (swap for tsp if this is too rich for you)
1-2 tbsp honey, agave nectar or sweet freedom (again swap for tsp desired)

Optional Extra - an extra 1 tbsp of hot chocolate powder

And here is what to do...

1) Mix all of the above ingredients together in a bowl and keep mixing until all of the cocoa is dissolved..

2) Chill for at least 30 mins (this pudding below was actually left for 3 hours!)

3) Serve in a wine glass or a short glass and enjoy!
- if you prefer an even more chocolatey dessert than add an extra tbsp of hot chocolate powder.. delicious!!

Per serving (if this recipe provides 2 servings) this pudding provides just 160 calories and is packed with healthy fats and protein (5g).
Do let me know if you make this recipe either on my blog, facebook or twitter!
Have a great weekend (I'm filming a Valentine's video & giveaway so look out for it on my YouTube channel!)
Nic x


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