But only because Wednesday was a holiday I'm sure.

 ABOVE:  I got a lovely little parcel in the mail yesterday from a lovely blog friend.  She made these hairbands for Keera!  I can't wait to pop them on her.  Thank you Sandra B, you are a darling.

 ABOVE:  I saw this photo on Facebook.  It made me think of Mr Owen and his orange crocks!  I wonder if his feet look like this?  Trish?

ABOVE:  this picture was on Facebook too.  I'm like... REALLY?  OMG, who would go out like this  (apart from this woman of course!).  

Now that I've finished assaulting your eyeballs... I will go and find something else to do!

Not sure what... but I feel the need to go out! Maybe I can drag Bex out to the little fabric shop I re-found yesterday!  


Right.  Today I am going to take a small step in the right direction.  I am going to eat well.  I will get some exercise.  For TODAY.  Just today. One day at a time.

IF I succeed for TODAY, I hope I will feel good about myself... so that tomorrow I can try to do it again.

I say TRY... because I really don't know if I can do this again. But I am finally ready to TRY. 

My health is abysmal at the moment.  AND I am 100% sure it is totally down to my weight.

It has been my nemesis since I was a teenager.

And it is killing me.  

For so long I have not given a shit about myself.  I have been living for my family, my life is not my own.  Hasn't been for 34 years.

Maybe it is time I really DID try living for MYSELF (and my man).  On a full time basis.

OK... I know I will still have to take care of the kids... but surely I can do that AND take care of myself?

I have heard my doctors say it over and over again.  I WILL BE NO USE TO ANYONE IF I'M DEAD.

Apparently I am a ticking time bomb.  Diabetes. High Blood Pressure.  High Cholesterol. Stress. All the 'ingredients' of a heart attack waiting to happen.


Just took a few photos of Dante... so will share:

 ABOVE:  I'm having problems with my camera.  Can you tell?  The photos are not crisp and clear.  Driving me bonkers.

On a happier note:  Bex, Dante and I are off shopping.  I am going to have sushi for lunch.  That's healthy right?

Bex and I had a delightful time out and about today.  We both bought some fabric and cute buttons:

ABOVE:  Bex bought this little panel... well actually, it's not that little.  She isn't sure what she will do with it yet, it can be a book, or a quilt, or even a wall hanging.

ABOVE:  we both got buttons.  How can you resist when they are that cute?

ABOVE:  I got this panel, and some matching fabric too.  I also am not sure what I will be doing with it, but it screams out 'QUILT'... so maybe it will become a quilt!  Clearly I am still LOVING bright fabrics.  

The place we got this fabric from is called 'The Crafty Needle' and it is situated at: Unit 6a, 5 Jack Conway Ave, Manukau. (it's off Cavendish Drive).
They also have classes there, and service Bernina Sewing Machines.   YES, their fabrics are a bit more expensive than say, Spotlight, but you have to pay a bit extra to get fabrics you don't see in Spotlight eh?

Sushi.  And only 4 pieces.
Tomorrow I will make my own.

Bex is down in the garage making more nursing pads ... and I'm gunna lie on the couch and relax until I have to make dinner.

Dinner tonight will be Lemon Chicken Stir Fry... with a few noodles.  But not many.  If I have to go on a healthy diet, the whole damn family will too!   ♪♪ lah lah la la ♪♪ ...

KAREN:  a walk?  At 3 pm?  are you nuts?   It's BOILING hot outside, I would MELT or have a heart attack... or both! I can't 'do' walks in the sun, I really, really have a problem with hot flushes again, and walking in the heat is just not gunna happen!

I didn't like our dinner.  It just wasn't to my taste, I did eat some of the chicken though.  I think everyone else kinda liked it.  I had some watermelon for dessert.  NOT that we have dessert that often.

End of Day:  and I will be going to bed tonight feeling bloody good about my day.  FOR A CHANGE.  
Thanks for all the positive comments, they mean a lot to me.
nite nite.


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