A reader commented a couple of days ago that she thought I looked 'better' without my fringe/bangs.

What say you?  I am happy either way, though I have found having a fringe over summer made me hotter than 'normal' ... I've had sweat running into me eyes!  Ikkky.
So... tell me what you think?

This is what I did last night:

ABOVE:  most of my scraps...

ABOVE:  and now they are 'loosely' sorted.  I threw out a lot,  even I could see it was not enough for anything!  

ABOVE:  Bex bought Dante a little check shirt yesterday, it is supposed to fit a baby 3-6 months old... it fits him now.  Dante has almost never stayed in a item of clothing for longer than half an hour... and this shirt was no exception.  He gets too hot then cries.  

At some point he will have to get used to clothes, he can't live just a nappy forever.  *smiles*

DAY 6!.... and I still feel fantastic.  6 days with NO cravings.  6 days with no feelings of deprivation.  6 days of feeling motivated and strong.  6 days of healthy meals.  6 days with the support of my family and friends.
Feels great.

Plans for today?  Taking a few things to the Hospice shop, then home to have a quiet day.  


We have not gone out after all... my energy and enthusiasm for tidying up and taking stuff to the shop just ran out.
It's threatening to rain too... so I better go and put the washing under the roof of the morning patio.

It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind... thank goodness... cos we ended up going out and about for almost 2 hours.  

We picked up the dog's shampoo from Animates (we had left it there by accident last time the dogs were there), then we popped down to Warehouse Stationery in Manukau.

Bex wanted to get herself some of the cute boxes I'd bought there.   Then we went to Spotlight where I bought some  plastic-fantastic tablecloth stuff and Bex got a few art supplies.  Dante stayed in his car seat from shop to shop and was a perfectly behaved wee man.

Home now and time to take a breather before the kids get home.  It's Bex's turn to cook dinner tonight.  She is doing devilled sausages.

Just remembered, the kids (Bex and Steve) are making Gnocchi to go with the devilled sausages.  We have never had gnocchi before, so it will be interesting to see how it comes out.

ABOVE:  Steve and Bex making the Gnocchi. It was quite a process.

ABOVE: Steve cooking the gnocchi while Bex made the devilled sausages.

ABOVE:  Dinner.  I LOVED the devilled sausages.  Not so much the gnocchi. It was tasteless.  Maybe it needed some seasoning?  Dunno, but no matter, it was edible and filling.

End of Day: another good day, but I felt a bit hungry today.  Probably because I have sped up my metabolism by having a small snack at morning tea time, which I'm not used to doing.  My first food of the day WAS usually lunch.
Off to bed shortly.  It's not so hot tonight, so sleeping should be easier. Yaaa.
nite nite.


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