Some babies are hard to get to smile... but not our darling little Keera!
I swear, every time I see her she laughs at me... she is just delightful.
I got a gorgeous little video of her the other day and so now I will share it:

ABOVE: Isn't she just a little doll? She is such a happy wee bubba, Lacy is certainly doing something right!

Now, how about seeing what we did yesterday in the garage?  Shit, can you even remember how many times I've 'rearranged' our garage?
You poor buggers must be sick to death of photos of my stuff moved here and there... but TOO BAD, I've got nothing else to show ya today (YET)....

ABOVE: my sewing 'space' is still in the same place. The only real change is I have two new shelving units to put all me fabrics and stuff in.  

The big arrow is pointing at that large plastic box, it's full to the brim with little scraps and left over fabrics.  I had to get Stew to take it down late last night cos it was ready to topple off.  
I think I will spend a day sorting the scraps into separate little boxes of similar colours etc.  I find it very hard to throw them away!

ABOVE:  As you can see, I've still got to finish the job. 

DAY 5!  Still feeling very, very positive and motivated.  I don't think I've lasted this long without caving in and having a treat or two, which then lead to falling off the 'wagon'.  NOT this time.  I think I had sunk so low in self esteem I couldn't go any lower, the only way was UP.  

Or down, depending on how ya look at it!  *smiles*
Still feeling so damn HAPPY!  Not used to this.  I like it a lot.


No weighing.  No measuring.
My clothes will tell the story as I lose weight. 
I don't feel the need to take my measurements at all.  I am not starting out being defined by numbers.
This is not a 'number' focused change, this is all about how I FEEL.

I am being kind to myself, I am not going to put pressure on myself to lose 'X' amount of weight, or wear 'X' size clothes.  This whole household is working on eating healthier meals, getting more exercise and ENJOYING being HAPPY.

Lacy has started feeling stir crazy and lonely in her little house, so Bex and I picked her up and we had a girly couple of hours at the mall.  The girls looked in baby shops (of course) and I tagged along for the exercise.  We all had sushi for lunch, an excellent choice.

 ABOVE:  shoppin' with the girls.

We got home just in time to be here when Brylee and Griffin get home from school.

ABOVE:  I got this darling set of photos of wee MOLLY who lives in the 'Naki' (Taranaki).  Tracy said she is doing really well, and she loves visiting friends ... here she is playing with her 'boyfriend' Ably.  Too cute.

Dinner tonight:  I am making salmon quiche.  It's a firm favourite in this house and I've not made it for quite a while.  I'm sure everyone will enjoy it.

1/2 cup standard flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
4 eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups milk
75 grms butter, melted
1 X 440grm can pink salmon, drained
1 cup grated tasty cheese
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh chives
Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the combined eggs, milk and butter.
Add the salmon, onion, cheese and chives, mix well. Pour mixture into a greased ovenproof dish.
Cook in a moderate oven at 180oC (350F) for about 45 minutes, or until quiche is set. Add garnish at end.
This recipe is amazingly quick and easy, and I usually double or triple  it so we can have a 'spare' quiche for another day cold. It's lovely cold as well.

End of Day:  knackered,  just spent 2 hours bent over a huge container of all my fabric 'scraps.  Sorted them out, and got VERY ruthless in the last half hour and threw MASSES of tiny bits and strips away!  I know it sounds nuts if you are a sewer/quilter, but I had teeny, tiny bits that in reality were good for nothing!  So out it's going.
So tired now though, and my tummy is not happy with me.  Bending over that long really made me feel ill.
Time to relax before bed in another hour or so.
nite nite.


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