Metcalfe's Skinny Topcorn & Rice Cakes

As I said in my ‘healthy snacks’ YouTube video last week, the Metcalfe’s Skinny range is pretty new to me. When I first gazed my eyes upon it in the supermarket I thought it may actually be too good to be true – hurray for me that it wasn’t! The motto on the front says ‘good for fitness freaks, snackers and veggies’.. the ultimate light snack to be enjoyed any time, just like crisps but with much less calories, fat and saturated fat. Each bag contains on average just 120 calories, 15g carbs (same as a slice of bread) less than 5g of fat and provides nearly 3g of fibre.

Most of us eat by volume.. which means that larger portions will often leave us feeling more satisfied. A bag of crisps certainly doesn’t fill me but these bags of popcorn are in another league.. they are huge in comparison and as such, extremely satisfying. They really do satisfy hunger cravings and also make the perfectly healthy (and acceptable), wholegrain cinema snack!

Metcalfe’s Skinny Topcorn is available in five different flavours.. Chocolate crackle (yet to try but I cannot wait to!!), wasabi (the perfect amount of hotness and tanginess – and possibly my favourite for post work-out/between meals), sea-salt (classic and a favourite with my friends), sweet ‘n salt (the most more-ish popcorn, and possibly my favourite flavour for the cinema) and heat ‘n sweet (if you like sweet chilli you will like this!!).
Also available in the ‘skinny’ range are these rice cakes, which come topped with yoghurt, dark chocolate or milk chocolate. These beauties are the ultimate sweet treat and are made with some wholegrain rice too. They are so delicious that it’s pretty much impossible to resist eating all three at once from the pack (unless you kindly share them out!).. at only 80 calories a slice they are a lower calorie treat but half of me wishes that they were packaged in two’s not three’s.. but maybe that’s just me being picky (and on some occasions three may be actually needed!).

You can pick up the Metcalfe’s Skinny range from selected Sainsbury’s stores, Ocado and online.
I hope you find this review useful.. happy healthy snacking!!
Nic x


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